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六西格玛是一套旨在持续改进组织业务流程、实行客户满意的管理方法。它通过对现有业务过程采取定义、测量、分析、改进和控制等手段(简称为 DMAIC 流程),以期消除业务过程中的缺陷,从而提高组织的业务流程,增强组织的效率和效益。作为一种持续改进的系统化方法和组织发展的长期战略,六西格玛的实行阻力通常来自于组织与人的变革压力。顺利推行需要的是高层领导者的决心和支持,同时还有赖于激励机制和组织文化的支撑。这一自上而下推行的鲜明特点将其同自下而上的 TQM 方法区别开来。本期的一组文章是台州医院导入六西格玛的遭遇与体会,以供有心者借鉴。 Six Sigma is a set of management methods aimed at continuously improving organizational business processes and implementing customer satisfaction. It adopts methods such as definition, measurement, analysis, improvement, and control of existing business processes (referred to as DMAIC processes) to eliminate defects in the business process, thereby improving the organization’s business processes and enhancing the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness. As a systematic approach to continuous improvement and a long-term strategy for organizational development, the implementation resistance of Six Sigma usually comes from organizational and human pressures for change. The smooth implementation of the needs is the determination and support of senior leaders, but also depends on the support of the incentive mechanism and organizational culture. This distinctive feature of top-down implementation differentiates it from the bottom-up TQM approach. The set of articles in this issue is the experience and experience of the introduction of Six Sigma in Taizhou Hospital for the benefit of those interested.
你知道世界上最大的一架电子琴吗? 这架电子琴是由美国闻名的古典风琴演奏家瓦·福克斯设计,美国罗杰斯电子乐器公司制造,于1977年制作完毕,移置于纽约著名的卡内基音乐大厅
Since 1978,intravenous drip of HerbaLeonuri extract has been used in the treatmentof coronary myocardial ischemia with satisfac-tory results.CLINICAL DATAOf 10
2014年国际果蔬博览会展于2月5—7日在德国柏林成功举行。来自141个国家的超过62 000名贸易代表参加了此次展会。本届果蔬展成果颇丰,吸引了较多决策层的贸易代表和参展商。
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为寻找防治雪桃疮痂病的有效药剂,1994年试用美国罗门哈斯公司生产的80%大生M—45可湿性粉剂;美国杜邦公司生产的72%克露可湿性粉剂进行试验,取得了理想的防治效果。 In orde