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WHAT DOES IT MEAN(此成语是什么意思)? 释义:in a quarrel;in a fight;opposing each other争吵,互相作对 HOW DO WE USE IT(如何使用)? 例句 1.Kevin and Maggie are at loggerheads again.They don’t seem to agree on anything.凯文和麦吉又吵上了,他们似乎对任何事的看法都不一样。例句 2.The two politicians have been at loggerheads for 20 years over the issue of a highway WHAT DOES IT MEAN (Definition) What is the meaning of this idiom? In a quarrel; in a fight; opposing each other quarrel, to each other HOW DO WE USE IT (How to use)? 1. Kevin and Maggie are at loggerheads again. They don’t seem to agree on anything. Kevin and McGee are noisy again. They seem to have different views of anything. 2.The two politicians have been at loggerheads for 20 years over the issue of a highway
TravelAlarmAcabinetsecretaryflieshigh.Sometimes,toohighINdefendingheragencyagainstG.O.P.2budgetcuters3,EnergySecretaryHazelO?.. TravelAlarmAcabinetsecretaryflieshigh. Sometimes, toohighINdefendingheragencyagainstG. O. P. 2budgetcuters3,EnergySecretaryHaz
面对激烈的竞争,人们经常感叹生意难做,却固守陈规,不思提高服务质量。殊不知,周到的服务足可以让你鹤立鸡群。  瑞士一家造纸公司推出了一项新型卫生纸,看上去与普通卫生纸并无两样,它的广告语是:“可以擦眼镜的卫生纸。”  这句看似平淡无奇的广告语,却包含着商家对消费者细致入微的关怀。  这家公司,在生产这款卫生纸之前,特地让所有员工暗中观察各自身边人使用卫生纸的情况,主要是了解人们在使用卫生纸过程中的
普通市民对食品价格的变动十分敏感。  实施了接近一年的“临时价格干预”措施正式叫停,国家发改委在其网站上宣布,自12月1日起解除年初对成品粮、食用植物油、猪肉和牛羊肉、乳品、鸡蛋等食品类商品的临时价格干预措施,停止对相关商品的提价申报和调价备案工作,由经营者自主定价。  一石激起千层浪,虽然居民消费价格指数持续多月下降,但很多市民还是“忐忑不安”,“取消干预会不会又来新一轮大涨价?肉价、食用油价会
Ray Ewry of the United States. He won ten gold medals in track and field events in games that took place between 1900 and 1908. Standing jumps, the events in w
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If you“shoot from the hip”you must be in a big hurry to get off a lot of shots and are not being very careful about aiming at your target. In colloquial spee
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