1烟稻轮作的好处烟稻轮作是指在同一地块上有顺序地轮换种植水稻和烟草作物的水旱轮作种植方式,这种轮作方式对改善土壤理化性状,提高地力和肥效,防治病虫害,尤其是土传病害有着特殊的意义。2016年前作烟叶1 000hm2,后作水稻733hm2,杂交水稻制种200hm2,其他种植旱作物67hm2。2烟稻轮作水稻品种的选择2.1品种生育期适当烤烟一般在7月上中旬收完,时间比前作早稻田平
1 The benefits of tobacco rotation The tobacco rotation refers to the same plots on the orderly rotation of paddy and tobacco crops planted rotation cultivation method of rotation, this rotation mode to improve soil physical and chemical properties, increase fertility and fertility, prevention and control of pests and diseases, In particular, soil-borne diseases have special significance. 2016 before the tobacco leaves 1 000 hm2, after making rice 733hm2, hybrid rice seed production 200hm2, other crops 67hm2.2 Selection of rice rotation rice varieties 2.1 The appropriate period of growth of flue-cured tobacco generally finished in mid-July, the time ratio Former Waseda flat