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给人类提供了生存环境的大自然,不仅五彩缤纷,无奇不有,它的奥秘更是变幻莫测,引人入胜,给人留下了许多难解之谜。例如山、石、沙、河、泉、柱等,也能如同乐器一般,奏出娓娓动听的音乐。 The nature that provides humans with a living environment is not only colorful and unpredictable, but its mystery is even more unpredictable and fascinating, leaving people with many mysteries. For example, mountains, stones, sand, rivers, springs, pillars, etc., can also be used as musical instruments to play melodious music.
George Banks was a clever journalist. He worked for agood newspaper, and he liked arguing very much. He arguedwith anybody, and about anything. Sometimes the pe
我爱书。一本好书,为我打开一扇窗;一本好书,为我推倒一堵墙;一本好书,为我擦亮眼睛;一本好书,让我放飞理想。“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。”“黑 I love books. A go
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But I asked first !Little Johnny: Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?Teacher: Little Johnny, MAY I go to the bathroom?Little Johnny: But I asked first! But I as
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