一波四折 曲尽其妙

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高晓声的《摆渡》是一篇饶有风味的寓言,其精彩之处在于一波四折,曲尽其妙。波折之一:寓言开篇数段点明人物、事件和矛盾。事件是“渡河”,人物四个,代表四种类型:钱、力、权、才;矛盾是摆渡人索取四人的“最宝贵的东西”。然后展开矛盾,发展情节,着力铺叙四人上船前的“奉献”,暗示情节逆转的时机,为故事的波折蓄势。当作家这位才子无法分割才气以赠送船家,只好用唱歌来顶替 Gao Xiaosheng’s “Walking” is a fabled parable. Its excitement lies in twists and turns. One of the twists and turns: The fable begins a few paragraphs to identify people, events and contradictions. The event is “crossing the river” with four characters, representing four types: money, power, power, and talent. Contradictions are the “most precious things” for ferryers to obtain four people. Then he launched contradictions, developed plots, and focused on arranging the “dedication” of the four people before boarding the ship, implying that the timing of the reversal of the plot was a trend for the twists and turns of the story. When the genius of the writer was unable to split the talent to present the boatman, he had to replace it with singing.
下面这些短语中都含有一个表示国家的专有名词,但你切勿从字面上去翻译,否则就会大错特错,请你猜猜这些短语都是什么意思: The following phrases contain a proper noun f
俯仰天空和大地,世界变成了一张纸牌,因为童年走了。 Pitch the sky and the earth, the world became a card, because childhood gone.
试题:作文(40分) 你热爱生活吗?你关注生活吗?生活是个大课堂。只要把目光投向生活,你一定会有许多新奇的发现、真切的体验和深刻的感悟,从而获得知识,增长才干,美化心灵,树
如果不要考试,初中时光还是蛮好过的。初夏,花停歇了,叶开始疯长,阳光开始疯长,明媚的日子就来了。 If you don’t take the exam, junior high school is still quite goo