
来源 :福建农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:obo9413
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巨蜂 1936年日本葡萄专家大井上康用石原早生和森田尼杂交育成的四倍体品种.属欧美杂交种.其果穗大,果皮黑紫色,果粒重15克,最大可达20克,可溶性固形物18%以上,品质佳,早投产,树势强,较抗病.巨峰在日本主栽葡萄中居第三位.但具有易徒长、易落花落果的缺点.日本已通过不断杂交、回交、芽变、实生选种,又培育出一批称之为巨峰群或巨峰系葡萄,可分为黑、红、白三种类型.国宝 井川秀雄用巨峰和石原早生回交育成.果穗大、果粒大、椭圆形、黑紫色、着色良好,成熟期比巨峰早15天,树势强壮,没有巨峰的落花特性,是巨峰群中最稳产,且早熟的品系,值得推广. In 1936 the Japanese giant grape bee Shangjikang tetraploid breed bred by Ishihara and Morita hybrids.It is a European and American hybrids.Its large ears, dark purple peel, fruit weight 15 grams, up to 20 grams, soluble Solid content of 18% or more, good quality, early put into production, the tree is strong, more disease-resistant. Kyoho grape in Japan ranked third in. However, with easy short leggings, easy to fall. Japan has been through hybrids, back , Bud mutation, seed selection, but also to cultivate a group called the Jufeng group or Jufeng Department grapes, can be divided into black, red and white three types. Fruit large, oval, dark purple, good coloring, maturity earlier than the peak 15 days, strong tree vigor, no giant flower characteristics of the fall, is the most stable group of Jufeng, and precocious strains, it is worth promoting.
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