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策划人语毫无疑问,法治,是2004年我国政治文明建设的关键词。推开记忆的门扉,2004年跃入脑海的是这样一些难忘的风景:十届全国人大二次会议通过宪法修正案;国务院发布《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,提出经过10年左右的努力,基本实现建设法治政府的目标;《行政许可法》正式实施,有力地推进了法治政府建设;纪念全国人民代表大会制度建立50周年活动让宪政意识深入人心;《物权法(草案)》的审议旨在着手构建完善的私有财产保护法律制度,是从宪法原则迈向制度构建的关键步伐当时间的接力棒交到2005年的时候,我们发现,我们的社会正通过法治走向和谐。于是,我们将关注的目光投向我们生活的城市,作为最高权利机关,重庆市人民代表大会自二届二次会议以来,市人大常委会紧紧围绕全市中心工作,紧紧围绕贯彻科学发展观,紧紧围绕改革发展稳定中的热点和难点,紧紧围绕关系人民群众切身利益的问题,依法履行各项职责,有力地推进了重庆市社会主义民主法制建设。法治改变着我们的生活。在《公民导刊》2005年第一期里,我们对2004年重庆市民主法制建设和人大代表的履职情况作一盘点,通过这组文章,希望您能从中听到法治那坚定而有力的足音。 Planning language There is no doubt that the rule of law is the key word for building China’s political civilization in 2004. The memory of the door opened in 2004 was such a memorable landscape: the Second Session of the Tenth NPC passed a constitutional amendment; the State Council released the “Outline for the Implementation of the Law Enforcement by Law,” and put forward after 10 years of hard work, Basically implemented the goal of building a government ruled by law; the formal implementation of the Law on Administrative Licensing has effectively promoted the construction of a government under the rule of law; the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the system of the National People’s Congress has brought constitutional awareness deep into the hearts of the people; Starting to Build a Perfect Legal System for the Protection of Private Property is a Key Step toward Constructing the System from Constitutional Principles When the baton was handed over to 2005, we found that our society is moving toward harmony through the rule of law. Therefore, we will focus our attention to the city where we live, as the highest authority, Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress since the second meeting since the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress closely around the city center work, closely around implementing the scientific concept of development, Focusing closely on the hot and difficult issues in the reform, development, and stability, we focused on the issues concerning the vital interests of the people and carried out various duties in accordance with the law, effectively promoting the building of a socialist democracy and legal system in Chongqing. The rule of law changes our lives. In the first issue of Citizen’s Guide in 2005, we made an inventory of the democratization of legal system and the performance of deputies in Chongqing in 2004. Through this series of articles, I hope you can hear the firm and powerful rule of law Foot sound.
通过法院来监督行政权力,乃是民众监督政府的高效、稳妥的途径引人注目的“亚奥政府采购案”已进入二审程序。 To supervise administrative power through the courts is a
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A:经济类: 云南矿冶业的发展/熊元正//云南日报-11.21。论云南民族商品的绿色营销/徐永林//中央民族大学学报-2001.4。 古代云南名城大理沿革/李昆声//思想战线-1981.1。 B: