Analysis on the jointing force of heterogeneous titanium alloy in linear friction jointing proc

来源 :Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronau | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerrylucky
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Ajointing force dynamometer which conforms to measure the force in linear friction jointing process was designed and manufactured according to th e characteristics of linear friction jointing in this paper. The percen tage of error of the dynamometer in the x direction and y direction was 0.9% and 0.75%, respectively. The tw o directions of cross sensitivity ra nge of the dynamometer were 1.2-3.3 %. Its precision satisfies the requi rement of the dynamometer test. The TC 17 and TC11 heterogeneous titanium alloy jointing force in linear friction jointing process was tested for the manufactured dynamometer. The tested results show that the upsetting direction force is big, but the vibration direction force is smaller change in TC11 as vibration linear friction jointing process. In addition, the short jointing time linear friction jointing of the upsetting direction force and the vibration direction force is larger than the jointing time longs. Ajointing force dynamometer which conforms to measure the force in linear friction jointing process was designed and manufactured according to th e characteristics of linear friction jointing in this paper. The percen tage of error of the dynamometer in the x direction and y direction was 0.9% and 0.75%, respectively. The tw o directions of cross sensitivity ra nge of the dynamometer were 1.2-3.3%. Its precision capabilities the requi rement of the dynamometer test. The TC 17 and TC11 heterogeneous titanium alloy jointing force in linear friction jointing process was tested for the manufactured dynamometer. The tested results show that the upsetting direction force is big, but the vibration direction force is smaller change in TC11 as vibration linear friction jointing process. In addition, the short jointing time linear friction jointing of the upsetting direction force and the vibration direction force is larger than the jointing time longs.
形成地方特色的因素 ,主要有地理环境、人文要素及历史发展进程。它是由若干互为因果关系的事物和事业共同组成的有机整体。地方特色有显性和隐性两方面 ,体现隐性的难度较大
她,以小品《纠察》女文工团员的成功扮演而闻名军内外;  他,因《疯狂的石头》再次证明自己演艺圈“新锐人物”的实力。  作为中国艺坛少有的一对兄妹明星,他们的艺术生活如何呢?    提起郭月,人们对她在总政话剧团时扮演的穿着军装在舞台上与纠察周旋的女文工团员形象并不陌生,而要说她和中央实验话剧院青年演员郭涛是兄妹俩,恐怕没有多少人知晓。郭涛1993年毕业于中央戏剧学院表演系,曾在电影《活着》、《永失
摘要:《纲要》中明确指出:“应萌发幼儿初步的感受美和表现美的情趣。”这就强调了“情趣”在幼儿绘画中的地位。教师作为幼儿学习活动的支持者、合作者、引导者,在美术活动中要引起和保持他们对美术活动的爱好。  关键词:幼儿;绘画;激发;兴趣;引导;合作;情感  幼儿的绘画过程是幼儿追求美、向往美、表达美的过程。传统的幼儿绘画是以训练技能技巧为主的范画教学,这种教学不要求幼儿开动脑筋,只要求他们按照教师的画