
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunj2009
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毛泽东依据马克思主义认识论的基本原理,在总结中国革命战争认识经验的基础上,第一次科学系统地阐明了战争认识是一个从感性认识到理性认识、再从理性认识到战争实践的不断深化的过程的思想,它不仅揭示了战争认识辩证运动的完整过程,而且还丰富和发展了辩证唯物主义的认识论。 一、从战争的感性认识飞跃到理性认识 在军事思想史上,我国古代的军事家孙武最先从朴素唯物主义的基础上,对战争认识的一般过程作过简单的描述。他认为,在知已知彼中,以知彼最为复杂,而知彼的方法就是“相敌”,即用侦察手段了解敌情,并列举了32种判断敌情的方法。同时,孙武还提出了诸如“践墨随敌,从决战事”等知战结合的思想,即实行战争的问题。虽然他已初步勾勒了战争认识 Based on the basic principle of Marxist epistemology, Mao Zedong first scientifically and systematically expounded the understanding of war on the basis of summing up the experience of Chinese revolutionary war from the perceptual understanding to rational understanding, and from the rational understanding to the deepening of the practice of war Process not only reveals the complete process of the dialectical movement of understanding the war, but also enriches and develops the dialectical materialist epistemology. I. From the perceptual awareness of war to rational understanding In the history of military thinking, the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Wu first described the general process of war awareness on the basis of simple materialism. In his view, knowing and knowing each other is the most complicated way to know each other, and his method of knowing each other is “opposing each other”, that is, using reconnaissance means to understand the enemy’s situation and enumerating 32 ways to judge the enemy’s situation. At the same time, Sun Wu also put forward such as “ink with the enemy, the decisive battle,” and other intellectual war combined thinking, that is, the issue of the implementation of the war. Although he has initially outlined the understanding of war
最近,西安能源学会在西安召开了首届年会.参加年会的有学会会员二百八十五人,特邀代表二十六人.理事长、名誉理事长、西安市副市长等领导同志出席了会议并作了重要讲话. 会
【西德《燃料·热·动力》1981年第12期第471页报道】 1981年10月2日在国际核工业展览会开幕式上,国际原子能机构付总干事B.A泽米洛夫作了关于核电站安全性和利用率的报告。