为振兴林业,有效地制止乱砍滥伐林木, 毁林开荒和严防山林火灾的发生,凌云县护林防火指挥部、林业局与检察院、公安局协商, 采取签订护林承包合同的办法进行护林,收到了一定效果。他们的做法是: 1.全县八乡两镇, 划分为两大护林责任区,分别由检察院、公安局承包管护,时间从一九八四年十二月至一九八五年十二月底止, 为期一年。 2.一九八四年十二月至一九八五年五月底止为护林防火期,要求把受灾面积控制在占森林面积的千分之五以下。
In order to revitalize the forestry, effectively stop the deforestation, deforestation and forest fire prevention, Lingyun County Forest Fire Command, Forestry Bureau and the Procuratorate, the Public Security Bureau, signed by the signing of the contract for shelter forest protection, income To a certain effect. Their approach is: 1. The township of Pat Heung and the township is divided into two major areas of responsibility for forest protection, contracted by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Public Security Bureau respectively. From December 1984 to December 1985 End of the month for a period of one year. 2. The period from December 1984 to the end of May 1985 ended in a fire-shelter period, requiring the affected area to be below 5% of the forest area.