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目的:人体始终包围在环境物理因子中,环境物理因子处在何种比例值时,人体的感觉、心情最愉快,最舒适?利用黄金数比例规律寻找出环境物理因子对人体的最佳条件。方法:通过收集和浏览各个学科的大量资料总结和概括出环境温度、湿度、环境光波和声波以及环境气压和氧分压的黄金数比例内容,以及在此条件下的人体感觉。结果:①环境温度的黄金分割值与人体的和谐作用:室温保持22~24℃时,正好处在人体体温(37℃)的黄金分割处。此时人体感觉环境温度不冷不热最舒适。②环境湿度的黄金分割值与人体的和谐作用:天气潮湿度处在60%~69%的适度潮湿天气时包含着环境潮湿度的黄金分割数61.8%,此时人体没有干燥和霪湿的感觉。③环境光线的黄金分割值与人体的和谐作用:可见光波长5.3×10-5cm处在可视光谱波长的黄金数分割点,该波长处于黄光和绿光的界限中,即黄绿光。人的眼睛对可视光线每个部分有着不同的感受性,波长越远离黄绿光敏感性越差,而对黄绿光敏感性最为显著,并对机体最舒适。④环境声波的黄金分割值与人体的和谐作用:听阈声强级0dB到痛阈声强级120dB的黄金分割值分别为45.84dB和74.16dB;处在正常范围40~60dB和响度范围60~80dB之间,同时也处在乐音区域,乐音对心血管系统、消化系统、腺体分泌、甚至思维活动等都有良好的影响。⑤环境氧分压的黄金分割值与人体的和谐作用:环境氧分压比值在黄金数附近时,给人提供心情愉快机体能完全适应、感觉正常的“中性带”。当氧分压比值远离黄金数时,会出现不适应的反常现象;会出现缺氧、烦闷、恶心、呕吐等不良现象。结论:环境物理因子的最佳条件是可以选择的。环境温度、湿度、环境光波和声波以及环境气压和氧分压处在黄金数比例附近时,会与人体产生和谐合拍的作用。 Objective: The human body always surrounded in environmental physical factors, environmental physical factors in what proportion of the value of the human body feeling, the most pleasant mood, the most comfortable? The use of the law of the proportion of the number of gold to find out the best environmental physical factors on the human body. Methods: Summarize and summarize the golden ratio of ambient temperature, humidity, ambient light and sound waves, and ambient barometric pressure and oxygen partial pressure by collecting and reviewing a large amount of data from various disciplines, as well as human sensations under these conditions. Results: ① The golden value of the ambient temperature and the harmonious effect of the human body: at room temperature 22 ~ 24 ℃, just at the human body temperature (37 ℃) at the golden section. At this point the human body feel the most comfortable ambient temperature is neither hot nor cold. ② the value of the golden section of the environmental humidity and the harmonious role of the human body: Weather humidity in the 60% to 69% moderate humidity, the environment contains the humidity of the golden section number 61.8%, at this time the body does not feel dry and dampness . ③ The value of the golden light of the ambient light and the harmonious effect of the human body: the visible light wavelength of 5.3 × 10-5cm spectral points in the visible spectrum division point, the wavelength in the yellow and green boundaries, that is, the yellow-green light. Human eyes have different sensitivities to each part of the visible light. The farther the wavelength is from the yellow-green light, the worse the sensitivity to yellow-green light, and the most comfortable to the body. (4) The golden value of environment sound wave has the harmonious effect with the human body: the golden value of threshold sound intensity 0dB to pain threshold sound intensity level 120dB is 45.84dB and 74.16dB respectively; in the normal range 40-60dB and the loudness range 60-80dB Between, but also in the music area, music on the cardiovascular system, digestive system, glandular secretion, and even thinking activities have a good effect. ⑤ environmental oxygen partial pressure value of the golden section and the harmonious role of the human body: environmental oxygen partial pressure ratio in the vicinity of the gold number, giving people a pleasant mood to fully adapt to the body, feeling normal “neutral zone.” When the oxygen partial pressure ratio away from the number of gold, there will be unnatural anomalies; there will be hypoxia, boredom, nausea, vomiting and other undesirable phenomena. Conclusion: The best conditions for environmental physical factors are optional. Ambient temperature, humidity, ambient light and sound waves, as well as the ambient pressure and oxygen partial pressure in the vicinity of the ratio of the number of gold, the body will produce a harmonious co-operation role.
本刊主编于宝诠先生不幸去世的噩耗传出,电力系统有关领导单位、报社、期刊社及个人纷纷发来唁电、唁函,打电话或以其他方式—— Journal editor in Mr. Yu Unfortunately,
1 引言强化复合地板源于欧洲,是近一二年出现在中国市场的一种新型地板材料。它既有天然实木地板的自然美感与质地,又有天然耐磨的特点,是一种十分理想的地面装饰材料。在欧洲,强
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[呆小病] 由于甲状腺素的合成和代谢过程中有缺陷,患儿出生后六个月左右,身体和智力发育呈现迟缓现象。体态呆笨,头发粗 [Stay ailments] due to the synthesis of thyroxi
正常粪便含水份80%,其余为粘液、细菌和食物残渣,包括中性脂肪、脂肪酸、未完全消化的蛋白、淀粉、矿物质等。 1.胎便:正常新生儿在初生24小时内即初次排粪,最初3日内排胎便