大力培育和发展技术市场体系,是加速科技成果转化的有力措施。陕西省已建立常设技术市场34个,成功地举办了三届技术成果交易洽谈会和第六届全国发明展览会。仅去年一年,该省技术合同成交项目达3500多项,市场交易额为4亿元人民币。 在培育和发展技术市场体系时,陕西省按照“放开、搞活、扶持、引导”的方针,大力培育和完善技术、信息市
Vigorously cultivating and developing a technology market system is a powerful measure to speed up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Shaanxi Province has established 34 permanent technology markets and has successfully held three sessions of technical achievements and sixth national invention exhibition. Last year alone, the province’s technology contracts reached more than 3500 items, the market turnover of 400 million yuan. In cultivating and developing the technology market system, Shaanxi Province, in accordance with the principle of “letting go, invigorating, supporting and guiding”, vigorously nurtured and improved the technology and information market