消息语言的要求 二、新鲜

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再谈谈锤炼语言。新闻语言要惊人,也需要锤炼,有新意的语言更需要锤炼。要求一条消息的句句话都精彩,是不现实的,但总应该有几句精彩的话,拨人心弦的话,发人深省的话。虽说读者看消息首先是为了了解新信息,但他们对传播新信息的语言也不降低要求,那些平淡无味如一杯白开水的语言,他们是不感兴趣的。锤炼具有新意的语言,应该把功夫用在什么地方呢?回答是,用在消息的关键部位上。导语是全篇的统帅,是消息的关键部位。写消息也要先在导 Talk about language training again. News language is amazing, but also temper, innovative language more need to temper. It is unrealistic to ask for a piece of news. However, there should always be a few wonderful words that inspire people to think deeply. Although readers see information first of all to understand the new information, they do not degrade the language of new information, and are not interested in languages ​​that are plain and tasteless like a glass of boiled water. To exercise a new language, what should Kung Fu be used? The answer is that it is used in the key part of the message. Lead is the commander of the whole article, is the key part of the message. Write the message must first guide
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