A rotating inertial navigation system with the rotating axis error compensation consisting of fiber

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An effective and flexible rotation and compensation scheme is designed to improve the accuracy of rotating inertial navigation system (RINS). The accuracy of single-axial RINS is limited by the errors on the rotating axis. A novel inertial measurement unit (IMU) scheme with error compensation for the rotating axis of fiber optic gyros (FOG) RINS is presented. In the scheme, two couples of inertial sensors with similar error characteristics are mounted oppositely on the rotating axes to compensate the sensors error. Without any change for the rotation cycle, this scheme improves the system’s precision and reliability, and also offers the redundancy for the system. The results of 36 h navigation simulation prove that the accuracy of the system is improved notably compared with normal strapdown INS, besides the heading accuracy is increased by 3 times compared with single-axial RINS, and the position accuracy is improved by 1 order of magnitude.
基于宽带接收的快速布里渊光时域反射技术,通过结合分布式拉曼放大来实现长距离分布式布里渊传感。研究了拉曼放大前后系统的性能差别以及非线性现象,并探究拉曼抽运功率与脉冲功率的最佳组合方式。最终通过实验实现了空间分辨率为50 m、传感距离为100 km左右的快速温度传感,其中,在50 km处获得1.2 ℃的温度测量精度。系统传感距离较无拉曼放大时提高了约50 km,并且能够在10 s左右快速完成一次测量。
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本文报道新研制成功的GW大功率激光系统。使用双普克尔盒电光开关从混合型CO2激光振荡器中削出的激光窄脉冲通过一台三节双光程TEA CO2激光前置放大器和一台两节TEA CO2激光前置放大器、一台大口径TEA CO2激光放大器,最后通过一台电子束控制CO2激光放大器放大后输出。激光输出功率高达3.2×109W,脉宽为4ns。
采用严格的耦合模理论,通过求解表面镀层长周期光纤光栅的特征方程,给出了双峰谐振波长的确定方法,以及它与光栅周期和模式序数之间的关系。结果表明,对应于较高次的包层模式,存在双峰谐振现象,且包层模式序数越高,与芯模产生谐振耦合所需的光栅周期越小。进一步讨论了双峰谐振波长的间距随薄膜参量与光栅参量变化的关系,描绘了这些参量对透射谱衰减谐振峰的影响,理论分析结果与X. W. Shu的无镀层长周期光纤光栅实验结果一致。这些研究为建立高灵敏的双峰谐振薄膜传感器提供了结构优化的理论支持。