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食品安全问题目前已经成为举国关注的热点问题。那么怎样有效地从立法上保障和完善食品安全工作呢?下面谈谈我的一些不成熟的看法:立法应有先有后围绕食品安全应急处理机制的“立法”要先行,这主要是考虑到目前我国食品安全事故频发,严重危及人民群众身体和健康的状况。最近发生的安徽阜阳毒奶粉事件,充分说明了建立内容完备、运转高效和反应迅速的食品安全应急处理机制的重要性。建立和完善我国食品安全应急事件处理机制方面的立法是当务之急,是关系到广大人民群众生命权、健康权的大事,应当把“以人为本”的思想作为食品安全立法的一个基本指导原则。立法应考虑到国情在满足 WTO、WHO、CAC 等国际组织的要求和履行我国的成员国义务的前提下,还应当考虑到我国目前食品工业的现状。我国食品安全性的现状突出地表现在以下几个方面:教育不够普及,食品安全意识不强;财政投入不足;法规不健全、执行不严、监管不力;检测技术落后;国际公认的保证控制体系没有得到广泛地推广;相关的研究力量较薄弱。 The issue of food safety has now become a hot issue in the whole nation. So how can we effectively protect and improve the food safety work from the legislation? Now let’s talk about some of my unhealthy views: Legislation should be preceded by “legislation” that focuses on the emergency response mechanism for food safety, mainly Considering the frequent occurrence of food safety incidents in our country, it seriously endangers the health and physical condition of the people. The recent incident in Fuyang County, Anhui Province, has fully demonstrated the importance of establishing a food safety emergency response mechanism that is complete, efficient and responsive. Legislation on establishing and perfecting the handling mechanism of food safety emergencies in our country is a top priority and a major event that concerns the right to life and health of the broad masses of the people. We should regard the “people-oriented” thinking as a basic guiding principle for food safety legislation. Legislation should take into account the conditions of our country to meet the requirements of WTO, WHO, CAC and other international organizations and fulfill the obligations of our member states, we should also take into account the current status of China’s food industry. The status quo of food safety in our country is prominently manifested in the following aspects: the education is not universal enough, the food safety awareness is not strong, the financial investment is inadequate, the laws and regulations are not perfect, the implementation is lax, the supervision is not strong, the detection technology is backward, the internationally recognized guarantee control system is not Have been widely promoted; the related research strength is weaker.
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历史上有这么个“予金移 木”的故事,说得是商鞅在为秦国 变法时,当时社会上是非不分,赏 罚不明,国家法令在人们心目中已经一文不值。为了使新法取信于民,他在都城的南门立了
大连素有“体育名城”、“田径之乡”的美誉,这里诞生了众多世界级的冠军,包括马家军、最好的足球队等。2009年6月12日,“尊雅风范,陶冶人生-- Dalian is known as ”Sport
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1 前言为了达到更高的环境 /安全性能要求 ,日、美、欧洲等发达国家正在进一步加强汽车方面的法制化工作。而亚洲、澳洲的其他各国已经表明将在数年后采用这些法规。这就显