笋岗滞洪区位于深圳市布吉河中游,它的功能是保护布吉河下游繁华的罗湖商业区,使其不致遭受洪水的威胁。 笋岗滞洪区排沙道的修建,解决了滞洪区多年来存在的库区泥沙严重淤积问题(建库6年已淤积泥沙30多万方)和上游污水入库污染水体、污染环境的问题(枯水季节湖水发臭,臭气熏天,影响居民生活),保持了库区的滞洪功能,而且在不影响滞洪的原则下,使库区常年保持一库清澈的湖水,美化了环境,使市区又增加了一处供居民休闲娱乐的景点。
Sungang detention area is located in the middle reaches of the Buji River in Shenzhen City. Its function is to protect the prosperous Luohu commercial area in the lower reaches of the Buji River so that it will not be exposed to flooding. The construction of the sand draining channel in the flood detention area of Sungang has solved the problem of serious siltation in the reservoir area that has existed in the flood detention area for many years (more than 300,000 cubic meters of sediment has been deposited in the reservoir for 6 years) and the pollution of water bodies in the upstream sewage and environmental pollution. The problem (the lake in the dry season is stinking, stinking and affecting the residents’ lives) maintains the function of flood detention in the reservoir area, and maintains a clear lake in the reservoir area throughout the year without affecting the principle of stagnant floods, and beautifies the environment. , so that the city has added a place for the residents leisure and entertainment.