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宾馆里稳抓购赃销赃犯1992年3月,哈尔滨金属冶炼厂发生了一起铜板被盗特大案件,侦察中发现了一伙专门购销有色金属类赃物的浙江籍犯罪分子。案犯之一刘也良在指定地点领取货款时被抓获,交待了同伙的落脚点——飞龙宾馆。3名侦察员遂连夜蹲守飞龙宾馆422房间。由于有更为紧急的特殊任务,两名侦察员暂离监控点,只剩一名侦察员S留守监控。将近午夜时分,刘也良的同伙章高胜等4人陆续返回宾馆。为了防止4犯发觉刘彻夜不归而溜掉,在电话联络不通、争取保卫部门协助未果的情况下,S以谈废金属、旧电机生意为名只身巧妙与4犯周旋,等待援助力量到来。出乎意料,另居他处的案犯同伙章文明获悉刘也良被抓的消息,连夜赶到宾馆为同伙报信。S发现该人虽未在宾馆登记住宿,但也是刘也良一伙,而且神情紧张焦急,遂怒目而视。章文明发现有陌生人在场,没敢明讲刘也良被抓一事,准备寻机把个别人叫出去再谈。S抢先一步以守为攻:“你也是做金属生意的吧?我有一批货,看准了你一定能要,我们出去个别谈。”说着把章拉到厕所诘问,果然章是来报信的。S亮明身份,讲明利害,并命令章只讲“来玩会儿麻将”。一刻钟后大队刑警赶到,这伙经常购销赃物、牵涉大批盗案的违法犯罪分子全部被押上警车。 Stable sale of stolen goods in hotels Stolen goods 1992 年 3 月, Harbin metal smelter copper plate stolen a big case, reconnaissance found a group of non-ferrous metals stocks stolen goods Zhejiang criminals. Liu Yeliang, one of the criminals, was arrested when receiving the payment at the designated place and confessed his accomplice - Dragon Hotel. Three scouts overnight then stay dragon hotel room 422. Due to the more urgent and special task, two scouts were temporarily away from the monitoring point, leaving only one scout S left to monitor. Near midnight, Liu Yeliang’s accomplices Zhang Gaosheng and other 4 people gradually returned to the hotel. In order to prevent 4 guilty of not knowing that Liu would not be able to slip through the night and could not get in touch with the phone and seek help from the security department, S struggled with 4 guilty of awaiting the arrival of aid forces in the name of scrap metal and old motor business. Unexpectedly, living elsewhere in the case of criminal accomplices Zhang Wenming was informed that Liu Yeliang was arrested, overnight rushed to the hotel for associates report. S found that although the person did not register in the hotel accommodation, but also a group of Liu Yeliang, but also look nervous and anxious, then glared. Zhang Wenming found a stranger present, did not dare to talk about Liu Yeliang was arrested, ready to look for an opportunity to call out to talk about individual. S first step to defend the attack: “You are also doing metal business? I have a shipment, spotted you must want, we go out individually. ” Said the chapter pull to the toilet asked, and sure enough chapter is To report the letter. S bright identity, explain the interests, and order chapter only say “to play a while mahjong ”. A quarter of an hour later brigade police arrived, this group often buy and sell stolen goods, involving a large number of robberies all the criminals were imprisoned on the police car.
过年了,小朋友都能收到来自长辈的红包。当孩子接过压岁钱的一刻,我们就可以利用压岁钱对孩子进行关于“金钱”的教育了。 Chinese New Year, children can receive red env
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