在农村,刚上任的村电工如何在村民中树立威信,站得住脚跟,我的体会是这样的:1 要以德树威信 良好品德是电工必须具备的素质,刚任村电工的品德修养有两个方面;一是职业道德修养.人民选我当电工,我当电工为人民.用户找要做到随叫随到,并做到优质服务,要有一种无私奉献精神.二是品行修养.要为人正直,言必信,行必果.尊老爱幼,诚实谦虚,说话和气文雅.不以电谋私,不阳奉阴违.对用户一视同仁,言行一致.2 要以才树威信 工作能力的高低对树立电
In rural areas, the village electricians who just took office established prestige among the villagers and stood up. My experience is as follows: 1 It is necessary for the electricians to have good qualities with virtue of virtue. The quality of the village electricians has just been cultivated. Two aspects; First, professional moral cultivation. The people elected me to be an electrician, I am an electrician for the people. The user to do to get on call, and to achieve quality service, there must be a selfless dedication. Second, the conduct of self-cultivation. We must uphold integrity, and we must believe in words and act in decisive manners. Respect and care for the elderly, be honest and modest, and speak eloquently. We must not use electricity to seek personal gain, nor do we obey any wrongdoing. We treat all users equally and do what we say and do. Build electricity