
来源 :中国民族教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lllllllllllllvvvvvvv
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搞好民族教育工作是一项光荣而神圣的使命,也是事关各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展的一项长期而艰巨的任务。创办21年的江西赣江职业技术学院,自2003年承办民族预科教育以来,始终把民族教育和民族团结教育作为学院工作的重中之重,努力为民族高等教育事业、民族团结进步事业、民族地区经济振兴和社会发展执著奉献,为少数民族学生成才搭建“金色桥梁”。不久前,学院被授予“全国民族团结进步模范集体”称号。 Doing a good job in education for ethnic minorities is a glorious and sacred mission and a long-term and arduous task that concerns all ethnic groups in their common cause of struggle and common prosperity and development. Jiangxi Ganjiang Vocational and Technical College, founded for 21 years, has always taken ethnic education and national unity education as the most important tasks in its work since its foundation in 2003. It endeavors to promote the cause of national higher education, the cause of national unity and progress, the nationality Regional economic revitalization and social development dedicated dedication, talent for minority students to build “golden bridge ”. Not long ago, the college was awarded the title of “National Model for National Unity and Progress”.
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