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用紫砂盆、陶瓷盆和造型别致的塑料盆养兰,给人感觉很舒服。但美中不足的是,以上盆钵透气性差,日常浇水稍有不当,就很容易造成兰株烂根甚至倒草。怎样用上述盆钵养兰花好呢?我是这样做的:把日常喝饮料剩下的塑料罐上半部剪去(图1),取15瓦电烙铁一把,加热后用电烙铁头把留用的塑料罐下半部四周烫满孔洞,剪口处留1厘米不烫孔,顺势剪成条状,再反折90°成裙状,以防填料时塑料罐在盆底发生位移而 With purple pots, ceramic pots and plastic chic plastic basin, giving people feel very comfortable. But the fly in the ointment is that the above bowl is poor breathability, watering a little improper, it is likely to cause bad or even grassland Lan plant. How to use the pot bowl to raise orchids is good? I do: the daily drink the rest of the plastic cans on top of the cut (Figure 1), take a 15-watt electric soldering iron, heated with a soldering iron handle Leaving the plastic pot around the lower half of the full hot holes, leaving 1 cm notch Not hot hole, homeopathy cut into strips, and then folded into a skirt 90 ° to prevent the filler plastic pot displacement at the pelvic floor
目的掌握宛城区碘缺乏病防治现状和病情消长情况,评价全区实施以食盐加碘为主的综合防治措施效果,为实现“十二五”规划持续消除碘缺乏病危害目标提供科学依据。方法 2011年1
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