
来源 :家庭教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allyev
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去年年初,我家的母狗生了第一窝小狗崽,有趣的是它只生了一只。人说:双猫,独狗为吉利,我们全家十分高兴,给它取名:赛克。赛克长得十分可爱,黑黑的毛,白白的爪,大大的觜唇,孩子一样的脸。赛克一天天的长大,吃的也慢慢地多了。两个月像风一般地过去了,赛克能独立生活了。五个月又过去了,赛克已经长成大狗,能看家了,高兴起来就头摇尾巴晃,尾巴竟能晃出螺旋的形状。看到它这样,我们全家人都十分欢喜。可是有一天,赛克突然安静下来了,不吃、不喝、也不叫,没精打采地趴在地上。我发现不对头,就去告诉妈妈和爸爸,可他们没在意对我说:“不要紧,过几天就好了。”一天过去了,二天过去了,都不见赛克好起来。第三天,赛克开始呕吐、拉血。这时我们全家十分着急,马上把它 At the beginning of last year, my bitch had the first litter of puppies. It was interesting that it had only one baby. People said: The two cats and the single dog is Geely. Our family is very happy and named it: Seike. Sekk is very cute, with dark hair, white claws, big lips, and a childlike face. Seike grew up and was eating more slowly. Two months passed like a wind, and Seker could live independently. Five months passed and Secker had grown into a big dog. He was able to watch the house, and when he was happy, he shook his head and shook his tail, and his tail could shake out the spiral shape. When we saw it, our entire family was very happy. However, one day, Seik suddenly quieted down, did not eat, drink, or call, slouched to the ground. I found out that I was wrong, I went to tell my mother and father, but they did not care about me and said: “It does not matter, just a few days.” One day has passed, and two days have passed without seeing that the game is better. On the third day, Sack began to vomit and pull blood. At this time our family was very anxious and immediately put it
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逆向思维用于解题,有时比一般解法简洁明快,且常进发出创造性火花.以下举几例说明.一、分母与分子当考虑分母有困难时,可尝试考虑它的分子. Reverse thinking is used to s
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