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六年制小学数学第十册第二单元《数的整除》中的概念有十七个之多,且比较抽象,有的还极易混淆,为了能让学生掌握好众多概念的本质属性,弄清概念间的区别和联系,本文就如何教好本单元的概念谈几点看法。 一、要通过分类、归纳,揭示概念的本质属性。本单元的概念虽多,但是对基本概念的揭示都遵循着如下的步骤: (1)从具体的实例出发,通过分析或计算获取揭示概念的许多感性认识; (2)对已有的感性材料进行分类; (3)及时归纳、总结,抽象、概括出概念的本质属性,进而给出概念的定义。 其中第二步尤为重要,它是由具体→抽象,揭示概念本质属性的中心环节。教学时,要引导、启发学生从外部的表面现象,去发现和认识事物的内在联系及规律,这样才能有助于学生归纳概括,上升为理性认识而形成概念。如:教学数的“整除”概念时,可列举众多不同类型的除法算式让学生算出结果(例略),然后可根据有无余数分类为”除尽”与“除不尽”两种情况,再在除尽中指出它的特殊情况——“整除”进而归纳出整除的概念,并据概念明确整除的三要素:“数a除以数b,除得的商正好是整数而没有余数,我们就说,a能被b整除”。这里(1)被除数、除数是自然数,(2)商是整数, The concept of “divisibility of numbers” in the second unit of the sixth year of elementary mathematics in mathematics is as many as seventeen, more abstract, and more confusing. In order to enable students to master the essential attributes of many concepts, Differences between the concept of clear and contact, this article on how to teach the concept of this unit to talk about several ideas. First, through the classification, induction, revealing the essential nature of the concept. Although there are many concepts in this module, the basic concepts are disclosed in the following steps: (1) Starting from a concrete example, we obtain many perceptual understandings of the concept through analysis or calculation; (2) (3) Summarize, summarize and abstraction in time to summarize the essential attributes of the concept, and then give the definition of the concept. The second step is especially important, which is the central link from the concrete → abstraction to reveal the essential nature of the concept. Teaching, we should guide and inspire students from the external surface phenomena, to discover and recognize the internal relations of things and laws, so as to help students generalize, to form a concept of rational understanding. Such as: teaching the number of “divisibility” concept, you can cite many different types of division formula for students to calculate the results (example omitted), and then there may be divided by the remaining number of “divider” and “divisible” two cases, And then pointed out its special circumstances in the divisibility - “divisibility” and then summed up the concept of divisibility, and according to the concept of the three elements of the clear divisibility: “divided by the number of a b divided by the number of divisible by the integer and no remainder, We say that a can be divisible by b. ” Here (1) dividend, divisor is a natural number, (2) quotient is an integer,
本文介绍动态扭矩校准装置(DTCU),它能测量旋转的传动机构,如马达、轴承、齿轮系及弯曲的联接器的扭矩。DTCU 具有独特性,因为在精密瞄准运用中它特别适用于测试以一般低速
目前,建设和谐社会理念深入人心。如何在语文课堂里也处处充满和谐理念,正是广大语文教学工作者的重任。传统语文教学,往往把教师与学生这两个矛盾体对立起来,忽视对人的生命存在及其发展的整体关怀,从而使学生成为被肢解的人。我们要彻底扭转这种“目中无人”的教学局面,必须进行价值本位的转移,由以教师为本位转向以学生的发展为本位,注重学生的精神成长,让教师与学生和谐统一,使语文课堂充满人文关怀。    一、关注
最近这个世界,似乎充斥着“创业”“投资”的纷杂信息。对于爱猫的你来讲,这些数字化的信息听上去可能有点头疼。因为,对别人来讲生活可能是成功,以及名车豪宅和光鲜亮丽的每一天,而对我们来讲,生活只是每天看看猫,弹弹琴,就已经无比美好。  和一只猫一起休闲生活  非常多的文学家、艺术家喜欢猫,爱的大概就是它们身上那种天生的、优哉游哉的气息。  小时候总是被家人催着要努力,不能浪费和耽误每分钟,长大之后才能