《新时期军工民品发展 思路研究》是国防科工委为制定国 防科技工业“十一五”发展计划和 到2020年发展规划而提出的战略 研究专题之一,该专题由国防科工 委委托国家发改委产业发展研究所 完成,并由有关领导和专家组成了 共13人的课题组。经过半年多的实 地考察调研及课题组的反复研究讨 论,在征求各分管领导和专家意见 后,经专家评审定稿。该课题由主 报告及三个分报告组成,本刊2005 年第一期刊登了该研究主报告的缩 写版本(上),本文为该报告的后半 部分。
“Research on the Development Strategy of Military Industry and Civilian Products in the New Era” is one of the strategic research topics proposed by the Commission of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense to develop the “11th Five-Year” development plan of the national defense science and technology industry and the development plan for 2020, Commissioned by the National Development and Reform Commission Institute of Industrial Development completed by the relevant leaders and experts composed of a total of 13 research groups. After more than six months of field investigation and research group and the research group repeatedly discussed and solicited opinions of the leaders in charge and experts, finalized by the expert review. The subject consists of a main report and three sub-reports. The first issue of this issue published an abbreviated version of the main report of the study (the first half), which is the second half of the report.