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企业基层领导班子,处在工作第一线,担负着发动、组织、团结、教育和带领职工,努力实现生产经营目标和精神文明建设的责任.因此,努力建设一个开拓创新、充满生机、具有坚强战斗力、凝聚力和号召力的基层领导集体,是落实党的中心任务和搞好一切工作的根本保证.所以,加强基层领导班子建设是企业工作的关键环节.基层工作,必须加强基层领导班子建设,重要的是发挥整体功能.基层工作必须充分发挥领导班于的整体功能.要发挥整体功能,就必须通过加强政治理论学习,召开民主生活会,成员之间交心谈心,带头参加急、难、险、重的突击劳动,讲评总结工作实绩等形式,不断提高班子成员的思想觉悟和政治素质. The grassroots leadership of enterprises is at the forefront of work, and is responsible for launching, organizing, uniting, educating and leading employees, striving to achieve production and management goals and spiritual civilization construction. Therefore, efforts to build a pioneering and innovative, full of vitality, and strong The grass-roots collective leadership of combat effectiveness, cohesion and appeal is the fundamental guarantee for implementing the party’s central task and doing a good job of all. Therefore, strengthening the building of leadership at the grass-roots level is a key part of corporate work. At the grass-roots level, we must strengthen the building of leadership at the grass-roots level. It is important to give play to the overall function. The grass-roots work must give full play to the overall function of the leadership class. To achieve its overall function, it is necessary to strengthen the study of political theory, hold a democratic life meeting, engage in heartfelt discussions between members, and take the lead in participating in emergencies, difficulties and risks. , heavy surprise labor, commentary summaries work performance and other forms, and constantly improve the ideological consciousness and political qualities of the team members.
为了观察香菇多糖(Lentinan)配合化疗提高恶性肿瘤的生活质量.本研究对69例恶性肿瘤病人,在化疗期间并用Lentinan 2mg/次2次/周ivgtt治疗共60d.结果显示:单独化疗与化疗并用L
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2月10日 晴  子贡倦于学,告仲尼日:“愿有所息。”仲尼日:“生无所息。”   ——题记  在学校的南楼看北楼,高三的学生忙忙碌碌,急急匆匆,总是为了“战争”的最后胜利而不断练兵。那个时候我想,高三辛苦却也幸福,因为有让自己勤奋的动力,有蛰伏出击的潜力,最重要的是有让自己梦想成真的魔力。  现在我也高三了。  “高三”似乎是一个万能代词:老师们说,是塑造人思想的时期;家长们说,是前程关键的岔路口