宝洁:数字化信仰 CNet视点CIO系列报道之五

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宝洁公司 CIO Stephen David 评价公司目前的科技应用现状,是大胆改革、明智决策的综合成果。宝洁公司正在进行的基础建设项目要把内部业务移植到基于Web服务的系统上 Procter & Gamble CIO Stephen David evaluation of the company’s current application of science and technology, is a bold reform, a wise decision-making comprehensive results. Procter & Gamble’s ongoing infrastructure projects need to port its internal operations to Web services-based systems
Lentiviral vectors have drawn considerable attention recently and show great promise to become important delivery vehicles for future gene transfer manipulation
本文提出药学监护(Pharmaceutical Care)是我国医院药学未来发展的趋势.药学技能和知识的巨大发展给了药师一个历史性机遇即对药物治疗转归分担应承担的责任.药师应具备提高
Yan-Bian Chaoxian(Korean)Autonomous Prefecture is situated at the south-castern part of Jilin Province. Theeastern part borders the coastal areas of U. S. S. R
本刊讯(记者韩阳)8月30日,中国少年儿童新闻出版总社低幼出版中心(简称中少大低幼)携手意大利达米出版社在青少年阅读体验大世界举办《小鼠宝贝成长日记》 Our corresponden
研究从杂醇油124~128℃的馏分中,分离出l-2-甲基丁醇和异戊醇的设备和操作条件。 The equipment and operating conditions for the separation of l-2-methylbutanol and is
BACKGROUND: Inhibiting the expression of Nogo-A in cervical spinal cord by use of interaction of antigen and antibody can help the remodeling of corticospinal p
压J蕊皿i月.......... 1/’决. 中国3比O印度 中国香港3比O越南 韩国3比0日本 中国白北3比1析加坡 半决. 中国3比1中国香港 林国3比0中国台北 决. 中国3比O林国 王皓3比2柳承