运动处方(连载) 八、心脏病患者的运动处方 (四)、心律不齐

来源 :国外医学(物理医学与康复学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:apzhc
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Talan 等比较了20名长跑运功员和50名非训练者的24小时动态心电图,虽然发生室性期前收缩率无差异(70%和50%),但室上性期前收缩(100%和56%)、Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞(45%和8%)、文氏Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞(40%和6%),则以训练者多。问题是究竟什么样的心律不齐需禁止或限制运动?可否与健康人制定一样的运动处方?心律不齐引人注目的问题是运动中内因性猝死,运动中猝死者多数是原有冠心病、心肌病、先天性畸型等心脏病,也有未被认为是器质性心脏病者。Waller 观察30岁以下的87例运动中急死者,其中24例(27%)尸解死因不明,考虑是死于一次性心律不齐。为使运动中的事故达到最小限制,最好预先发现危险性心律不齐,限制其运动。对有无器质性心脏病的心律不齐处理方法不同,若是缺血性心脏病、心肌病、瓣膜病、先心病等,可根据病情制定运动处方。所以身体检查时有必要充分注意有无器质性心脏病。无症状和无器质性心脏病者有无心律不齐,对远期预后无影响。Kennedy 等对 Talan et al compared the 24-hour Holter of 20 long-distance runners and 50 non-trainers with no pre-ventricular contractions (70% vs 50%) but supraventricular premature contraction (100% And 56%), Ⅰ degree atrioventricular block (45% and 8%), and V Ⅱ degree atrioventricular block (40% and 6%), respectively. The question is what kind of arrhythmia need to prohibit or restrict exercise? Can healthy people make the same exercise prescription? Arrhythmia striking problem is the movement of the internal causes of sudden death, the majority of sudden death in sports is the original coronary heart disease , Cardiomyopathy, congenital malformations and other heart diseases, there are also not considered organic heart disease. Waller observed 87 people under 30 years of age who were in urgent need of exercise, 24 (27%) of whom died of unknown causes of death and were considered to have died of a single arrhythmia. In order to minimize the number of accidents in sports, it is best to find dangerous arrhythmia in advance to limit its movement. Arrhythmia treatment of organic heart disease with or without different methods, if ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, valvular disease, congenital heart disease, etc., according to the disease to develop exercise prescription. Therefore, physical examination is necessary to fully pay attention to whether there is organic heart disease. Asymptomatic and non-structural heart disease without arrhythmia, no effect on long-term prognosis. Kennedy and so on
目的 评价改良双路硅胶支撑管置管法治疗泪小管断裂的临床疗效.方法 52例(52眼)泪小管断裂手术,A组25例,采用传统腰麻导管做支撑管,单路插管后行泪小管吻合术;B组27例,采用双路硅胶支撑管置管术,并用改良手术方法吻合泪小管.术后随访3~18月,比较两种方法在手术时间、治愈率、泪点及泪小管撕裂等3个方面差异.结果 A组手术时间(71.80±36.22)min,完全治愈13例,无效4例,泪点及泪小
肾性高血压是肾血管和肾实质性高血压的总称,系继发性高血压的常见类型。Maxwell 等报告2442例高血压病人中,880例有肾血管病变,335例为肾实质疾病,几乎占50%。一、肾血管性
目的 观察在慢性鼻咽炎患者中采用布地奈德经鼻雾化吸入法进行治疗的效果.方法 选取我院收治的90例慢性鼻咽炎患者作为本次研究的对象,将其随机分为45例观察组以及45例对照组