1989年元月,我跟随班禅大师赴西藏参加五至九世班禅灵塔开光典礼,元月28日,大师不幸心脏病突发,圆寂于日喀则。4年又7个月后,我又有幸前去为大师法体送行并参加大师灵塔祀殿开光。 1993年8月30日,世界屋脊天还蒙蒙亮,然而在后藏重镇日喀则,成千上万的僧俗群众和善男信女们却早已在静静地等候着。雪域佛教领袖第十世
In January 1989, following the Master Panchen Lama, I went to Tibet to attend the opening ceremony of the Zun Ling Pagoda of the 5th to 9th Panchen Lama. In January 28, the unfortunate heart attack of the Great Master died in Xigaze. Four years and seven months later, I am fortunate enough to go to the master body to send and participate in the main hall of the Holy Spirit Sacrificial Hall opened. On August 30, 1993, the roof of the world was still glorified. However, in Xigaze, a post-Tibetan city, tens of thousands of monks and lay men and faithful men and women had long been waiting silently. Snowy Buddhist leaders of the tenth world