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我国控制投资规模的两根支柱是制定投资规模计划和对投资项目进行行政审批。人们习惯于把这种管理方式称为“笼子”,把投资或投资规模比作“鸟”。改革十几年来,尽管审批项目的程序有所简化,权力重心有所下移,地方政府投资权限扩大,但国家用“笼子”控制“鸟”的管理方式却没有根本改变,企业投资决策权仍很小。可是,“笼子”偏偏关不住“鸟”,投资规模膨胀虽经久治,却难以痊愈,国家宏观经济政策稍有松动,建设项目就遍地开花,致使建设战线长,投资效益低下,投资品短缺,通货膨胀居高不下。 1.“笼子”何以关不住“鸟”? “笼子”管不住“鸟”,有“笼子”问题,即计划是否符合客观经济实际,有看“笼子”者的问题,即审批项目的行政管理部门能否按计划执行,也有养“鸟”人的问题,即投资主体对投资的热情、态度和自我约束。 The two pillars of China’s control of investment scale are the formulation of investment scale plans and the administrative examination and approval of investment projects. People are used to calling this type of management a “cage” and comparing investment or investment to “birds.” In the past decade and a half since the reforms, although the procedures for examining and approving projects have been simplified, the focus of power has shifted downwards, and the authority for investment by local governments has expanded, the state has not fundamentally changed the management style of “birds” controlled by “cage”. Very small. However, the “cage” has been unable to hold off the “birds”. Although the expansion of investment scales has been cured for a long time, it has been difficult to recover. The state’s macroeconomic policies have been slightly loosened, and construction projects have blossomed, resulting in a long construction front, low investment returns, and a shortage of investment products. Inflation remains high. 1. Why can the “cage” not hold the “bird”? The “cage” cannot control the “bird” and there is a “cage” problem, that is, whether the plan meets the objective economic reality and there are problems with the “cage”, that is, the approval of the project. Whether the executive management department can implement the plan or not, it also raises the question of raising “birds”, that is, the enthusiasm, attitude, and self-discipline of the investment subject.
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