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公元1553年,远居欧洲西南的葡萄牙人,开始窃据澳门半岛。澳门,位于珠江口的西边,原是香山县(今中山市)南端一个紧邻大陆的弹丸小岛,由于流到珠江口外的泥沙不断冲积,在小岛和大陆之间逐渐形成一道长约240米的沙堤。从此,澳门变成一个与大陆相连的半岛。因为半岛形似莲花,这道沙堤也被称为莲花茎。今天的澳门,除澳门半岛之外,还包括鸦片战争后被葡侵占的凼仔和路环两个小岛。三地南北相距11.8公里,东西宽4.4公里。经过填海造地,现在陆地总面积达23.5平方公里,常住人口46万多,其中96%以上是华人。澳门南临汪洋大海,北接珠江三角洲,东隔珠江口,和香港遥遥相对,西部则是西江干流出口的磨刀门。其间水道密布,交通十分便利,又是东西运道的枢纽,西欧、非洲、东南亚至远东航路的必经之地。由于地处交通要道,古代即常有渔舟和商船停泊。16世纪以后,随着西方殖民者的东侵,在香港未开辟之前,澳门一直是欧美与中国、日本及亚洲南部之间的贸易中心,也是东西方文化交汇的要地。澳门是西方殖民者最早窃据的一块中国领土,它比英占香港要早将近三百年。和英国用武力强占香港不同,葡萄牙人采用的是欺诈和贿赂手段达到侵略目的的。葡萄牙 In 1553, the Portuguese, far southwest of Europe, began to steal the peninsula. Located to the west of the mouth of the Pearl River, Macao was originally a small island adjacent to the mainland of Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan). Due to the continuous alluvial sediment flow to the mouth of the Pearl River, Macao gradually formed a long island of about 240 Sand meters of rice. Since then, Macau has become a peninsula connected with the mainland. Because the peninsula is shaped like a lotus flower, this sand dike is also called a lotus stem. Today’s Macao, in addition to the Macao Peninsula, also includes Taipa and the two small islands in the Loo after the Opium War. The three places are 11.8 kilometers apart from north to north and 4.4 kilometers from east to west. After land reclamation, the total land area now amounts to 23.5 square kilometers and the resident population is more than 460,000, of which 96% are Chinese. The sea to the south of Macau is vast, with the Pearl River Delta to the north and the Pearl River Estuary to the east. It is opposite to Hong Kong and to the west is the Modaomen Gate at the exit of the mainstream of the Xijiang River. In the meantime, the waterway is densely covered and the traffic is very convenient. It is also the hub of the east-west road and the must-see place of Western Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia to the Far East Route. Because it is located in traffic arteries, fishing boats and merchant ships are often anchored in ancient times. After the 16th century, with the encroachment of western colonialists, Macao was always the trade center between Europe and the United States and the south of China, Japan and southern Asia before the opening up of Hong Kong. It was also the place where the Eastern and Western cultures meet. Macao was the first Chinese territory to be stolen from Western colonialists, nearly three hundred years earlier than it occupied Hong Kong. Unlike the British occupation of Hong Kong by force, the Portuguese resorted to fraud and bribery for aggressive purposes. Portugal
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