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五十年前,毛泽东同志在我党的七大闭幕式上作了题为《愚公移山》的著名讲话,号召全党学习愚公精神,“下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利”。愚公精神已成为全党、全国人民的重要的精神财富。五十年后的今天,重温愚公移山,更觉愚公精神之重要。我们面对的是全球范围的经济竞争,要使中国赶上去,尤其需要的是愚公精神。我们学习愚公,首先要学习愚公正视现实、正视困难的态度。一个能正视现实的人,才是真正可担重任的人。我们面对的问题很多,任务艰巨,只有靠努力奋斗.而不能抱有幻想,期待奇迹。愚公正视困难、决心奋斗的态度正是我们做好经济工作所不可缺的。我们学习愚公,要特别学习其决心世世代代挖山不止的韧劲。这是一种不怕牺牲、顽强战斗的毅力。一个人的意志决定了人的份量。意志薄弱的人就是无足轻重 Fifty years ago, Comrade Mao Tse-tung made a famous speech entitled “Foolish Man and the Mountain” at the party’s seven closing ceremonies, calling on the whole party to study the spirit of stupidity, “determined not to sacrifice, to eliminate all difficulties, to win victory ”. Foolish spirit has become the important spiritual wealth of the entire party and the people throughout the country. Fifty years later, it is important to revisit the foolish man and move away from the mountain. What we are facing is economic competition on a global scale. In order to make China catch up, what is needed in particular is foolish spirit. When we study foolish man, we must first learn about foolishness and fairness in view of reality, and confront a difficult attitude. A person who can face the truth is the person who really can take on the task. We face many problems, the task is arduous, only by hard work. And can not have the illusion, looking forward to miracles. Foolishly viewing difficulties and resolutely struggling attitude are indispensable to our economic work. We learn foolish, to learn in particular their determination to persevere generations of digging mountains from generation to generation. This is a fearless sacrifice, tenacious fighting perseverance. A person’s will determines the person’s weight. Weak people are insignificant
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