
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renminjie
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冬季病虫防治是一年防治的一个重要季节,作用很大。实践证明,花木病虫冬防抓得好,来年病虫就发生少;如不注重冬防,则病虫发生就会逐年增多,为害逐年加重。花木病虫冬防的好处有三:一是冬季各种病虫都处于休眠(或滞育)蛰伏状态,且越冬场所较为固定,易于发现和防治;二是冬季有较充裕的人力和时间,可彻底进行防治;三是冬季防治可结合其它管理措施进行,一举多得,事半功倍,且冬防主要以人工防治为主,可节省农药开支,减少环境污染,保护天敌。据我们多年实践,花木病虫的冬季防治可结合以下措施进行:一、清洁园地。有不少病虫,如叶蝉类、卷叶蛾类、红蜘蛛类、锈螨类等害虫和各种落叶病、炭疽病、穿孔病等病菌,均在枯枝、落叶、落果及杂草丛中越冬,将这些枯枝落叶落果和杂草集中带出花园之外,烧毁或沤肥,对防治上述病虫有重大作用。二、深翻土壤。蝼蛄、金龟子、蟋蟀、金针虫等地下害虫,多半时间生活在土 Winter pest control is an important season of prevention and treatment, a great role. Practice has proved that flowers and trees pest control in winter is good, the occurrence of pests and diseases in the coming year less; if not pay attention to winter prevention, pest occurrence will increase year by year, pests increased year by year. There are three benefits of winter pest prevention and control: First, all kinds of winter pests are in dormant (or diapause) dormant state, and the overwintering sites are more fixed, easy to find and control; second, there is ample winter manpower and time may be Thirdly, winter prevention and treatment can be combined with other management measures to achieve multiple benefits in one fell swoop. The winter prevention is mainly based on artificial prevention, which can save pesticide expenses, reduce environmental pollution and protect natural enemies. According to our many years of practice, winter pest control of flowers and trees can be combined with the following measures: First, clean the garden. There are many pests, such as leafhoppers, leaf roller moths, red spider mites, rust mites and other pests and various deciduous diseases, anthracnose, perforation and other pathogens, are dead branches, deciduous, deciduous and weeds in the winter , The litter of fallen fruits and weeds will be brought out of the garden in a centralized manner, and burned or fattened will have a major impact on the prevention and control of these diseases and pests. Second, deep turn the soil.蝼 蛄, beetles, crickets, insects and other underground pests, most of the time living in the soil
摘要:信息时代之下,新媒体凭借着其突出的个性内容、多样的表现形式、实时的信息传递三大特点,正在逐渐打破媒介之间的壁垒和因时空环境差异而存在的边界。面对新媒体的新一轮崛起,共青团的育人工作面临着重大的转型挑战与压力。随着时代发展步伐的加速,高校共青团应主动面对新潮流,在变局中抓住机遇,形成育人模式的全面转型和创新。  关键词:高校共青团;新媒体矩阵;育人模式;工作机制转型  一、研究背景  党的十九
We propose a method of Chinese continuous speech recognition, which combines speech and language processing with frame-synchronous parsing algorithm. The contex