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搞好武警院校保密课教学,抓住学员在校期间的保密知识教育这个“源头”,是加强武警部队保密工作的治本之举。根据形势和任务的要求,着眼人才培养和任职需要,加强保密教育势在必行,为保证保密课教学的顺利开展,以下几个因素是关键。领导重视和支持是实施保密课教学的前提;保密教员素质过硬是搞好保密课教学的关键;教学内容创新是开展保密课教学的基础。 Doing well the teaching of confidential courses at armed police academies and seizing the “source” of confidential knowledge education during the training of students in schools is a permanent solution to strengthening the secrecy work of the Armed Police. According to the requirements of the situation and tasks, it is imperative to focus on personnel training and appointment needs and to strengthen confidential education. The following factors are the key factors in ensuring the smooth running of confidential courses. The emphasis and support from leaders is the prerequisite for the implementation of the teaching of confidential courses; the quality of confidential faculty is the key to teaching confidential courses well; and the innovation of teaching contents is the basis for teaching confidential courses.
Though China has cut its GDP growth target to 7.5 percent for 2012, the lowest in over 20 years, the government is determined to go on increasing its spending o
According to a cooperation agreement jointly signed by CAS, the Executive Office of the State Council Three Gorges Project Construction Committee and the Chongq
Fifteen brilliant young researchers from CAS institutes received the 12th National Award for Youth in Science and Technology at a special ceremony held in Beiji