读稿人语 2015.01

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坐在屋内,紧闭窗门,我沉浸于阅读的愉悦中。时值古都西安入冬以来的第一场雪。雪虽下得不大,但飘飘拂拂的雪花,还是恍若飞舞的精灵,让呆板天宇变得一片萦乱凄迷。灯下铺展的文字,仿佛也活跃了起来,纷纷翩翩起舞。水墨画般的室外,与室内富于诗意的文字相匹配,使我的内心弥漫起丝丝的温热。读2015年第一期《美文》下半月刊,我犹如在春天的花园里漫步。在煦煦的和风里,树木萌发着绿芽,枝头绽开着繁华,鸟儿振翅欲飞,蝴蝶飘摆着花裙,一派生机,一脉温润。一篇篇的文章,叙述之娴熟,描写之优雅,字句之奇妙,大大出乎于我的意料,带给我莫大的阅读惊喜。我依稀看到,一棵棵小树正在茁壮成长,一个个乳雁正在丰羽待飞。 Sitting inside the house, closed the window, I was immersed in the pleasure of reading. When the ancient capital of Xi’an in winter since the first snow. Although the snow was not great, but the fluttering snow, or reminding us of the flying elf, so stiff Sky became a mess. Spread the light of the text, as if also active, have all dances. Ink-like outdoor, with indoor poetic words to match, make my heart filled with slightest warmth. Read the first issue of the 2015 issue of the second issue of the “American”, I like to walk in the spring garden. In the warm gentry, trees germinate green shoots, branches bloom bustling, birds fluttering, butterflies fluttering flower skirts, one life, a warm pulse. An article of the article, the description of the skilled, elegant description, the wording of the wonderful, far beyond my expectations, brought me great reading surprise. I vaguely see that a small tree is thriving growth, one by one milk wild goose is to be flying.
1. Introduction As we know, listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the basic four skills of learning English. Interest is the best teacher. What the teac
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绿色是生命的依赖,绿色是人与自然和谐的标志,绿色也是社会和谐、科学发展的象征。改革开放以来,鄂尔多斯文化唱响了绿色的赞歌,推动了鄂尔多斯的绿化进程。 Green is the d
5月14日至20日,山东省副省长才利民率领的山东省经济文化交流团在台湾进行了一系列经贸文化交流活动,广泛接触了台湾各界人士,宣传推介了山东,成功举办了“鲁台经贸文化交 F