Hong Kong Ousts Tokyo as Most Expensive City

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根据一家人力资源顾问公司(Mercer Human Resource Consulting)公布的全球生活指数调查的结果,香港的生活指数已经取代日本东京而成为全球生活指数最高的城市。第2位是莫斯科,东京则下跌为第3位。根据调查,香港生活指数上升,主要是个人护理、家居用品和交通项目费用高昂所致。调查同时研究了144个城市,比较其住房、食品、衣服、交通和娱乐等超过200项消费项目。在全球15个生活指数最高的城市当中,有11个位于亚洲,北京与上海分别排行第4位和第5位。调查发现,新西兰和澳大利亚的城市依然是生活费用便宜但生活质量最高的地方,大多数澳大利亚和新西兰城市的生活指数都在全球生活费用最高昂城市的一半以下。至于生活指数最低的城市则是南非的约翰内斯堡。布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)的生活指数则因国内经济不景气,而有一个dramatic fall。本文文字表达不乏可记学之处,如Moscow muscles in at secondplace in the survey一句中的muscles in就值得咀嚼一番。它是美国俚语,意思是:发挥臂力;靠力气前进,硬性挤入。另如:muscle through a crowd/用力挤过人群;muscle in on a territory/侵入领土 According to the results of a survey of global lifestyle indices published by Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Hong Kong’s living index has replaced Tokyo, Japan, and has become the world’s highest living index city. The second place is Moscow, and Tokyo falls to third place. According to the survey, Hong Kong’s life index rose, mainly due to the high cost of personal care, household items and transportation projects. The survey also studied 144 cities and compared more than 200 items such as housing, food, clothing, transportation, and entertainment. Of the 15 cities with the highest living indicators in the world, 11 are located in Asia, and Beijing and Shanghai are ranked fourth and fifth respectively. The survey found that cities in New Zealand and Australia are still the places where the cost of living is low but the quality of life is highest. Most cities in Australia and New Zealand have an index of living below half of the cities with the highest cost of living in the world. The city with the lowest living index is Johannesburg, South Africa. The life index of Buenos Aires (Argentine capital) has a dramatic fall due to the sluggish domestic economy. There are many places in the text that can be learned, such as muscles in in the second place in the survey. It is an American slang, meaning: exerting arm strength; relying on strength to advance and rigidly squeeze in. Another example: muscle through a crowd / pushing crowds; muscle in on a territory / invasion of territory
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本届世界杯足球赛在日本本州岛东南岸港市横滨落下帷慕。世界著名体育记者Barry Wilner以其生动细腻的笔触,夹叙夹议的笔法,光彩照人的文采,为我们写下了这篇全景式的报道。
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