1908年,所有的欧洲报纸都刊登了一条爆炸性新闻:“法国百万富翁克恩简直是发疯了!他决定花掉万贯家财会实施一项极其重要的行动——和几个摄影师一起去周游世界,并不加选择地拍下所有的一切。”更多的情况没有报道。人们都不清楚这次考察的目的。不久,第一次世界大战的许多事件发生了,这位财主的古怪行为完全被人们所忘却。只是在1913年不知在哪儿偶尔出现一条一个破产百万富翁产业拍卖的简讯。 1975年,拆除巴黎近郊旧建筑时,在一栋旧房子的地下室里发现了数十只古老的包着铁皮、
In 1908, all the European newspapers published an explosive news story: “French millionaire Kern is simply crazy! He decided to spend millions of wealth management to carry out an extremely important action - traveling with several photographers The world, and indiscriminately photographed everything. ”More information is not reported. People do not know the purpose of this visit. Soon many events of the First World War took place and the weird behavior of the rich man was completely forgotten. It was only in 1913 that I did not know where there was an occasional news briefing on the bankrupt millionaire industry auction. In 1975, when the old buildings on the outskirts of Paris were demolished, dozens of old,