
来源 :预防医学情报杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiqingfang
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目的 了解成都市成华区2015年疑似预防接种异常反应(Adverse Event Following Immunization,AEFI)的发生特征,评价AEFI监测系统运转情况和预防接种安全性.方法 通过中国AEFI信息管理系统,收集截至2016-12-30报告的成都市成华区2015年发生的AEFI个案数据,采用描述流行病学方法进行分析.结果 成都市成华区2015年经中国AEFI信息管理系统网络报告的AEFI病例290例,报告发生率为50.97/10万;14个街道辖区均有AEFI病例报告,发生时间主要集中在4~9月,男女性别比为1.12∶1,≤1岁年龄组占65.86%,接种疫苗后48 h内发生的AEFI病例占95.18%,一般反应、异常反应和偶合症分别占95.86%、3.80%、0.34%;报告发生率居前5位的疫苗依次是乙脑灭活疫苗、百白破IPV和Hib五联疫苗、7价肺炎疫苗、麻风减毒活疫苗和白破疫苗.结论 成华区2015年AEFI监测报告率较高,但仍需提升监测敏感性,AEFI主要发生在小年龄组和接种后48 h内,以一般反应为主,多剂次接种的疫苗及含麻疹成分疫苗AEFI反应率较高,在AEFI监测中予以高度重视.“,”Objective to understand the occurrence characteristics of suspected AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization,AEFI) in Chenghua District of Chengdu in 2015,and to evaluate the operation and safety of vaccination.Methods The data of AEFI cases in Chenghua District of Chengdu which were reported before December 30th,2016 were collected by AEFI information management system of China in 2015.Results by the China AEFI network management information system,290 AEFI cases of Chenghua district of Chengdu were reported,reported incidence were 50.97/105;14 streets area had AEFI cases occurred,mainly in the time of April to September,the sex ratio men and women was 1.12∶ 1,less than 1 year old age group accounted for 65.86%,occurred after vaccination in 48 h AEFI cases accounted for 95.18%,rates of the general reaction cases,abnormal reaction and coupling disease were accounted for 95.86%,3.80%,0.34%;report the incidence of the top 5 vaccines were inactivated JE vaccine,DPT vaccine,Hib IPV and five of 7 valent pneumococcal vaccine,live attenuated vaccine and leprosy white broken vaccine.Conclusion Chenghua District 2015 AEFI monitoring report rate was higher,but still need to improve the monitoring sensitivity of AEFI mainly occurred in the 48 hours after inoculation and the small age group,with the general reaction,multi agent vaccination vaccine and measles containing vaccine,AEFI reaction rate was higher,this is the focus of monitoring AEFI.
新生儿红细胞增多症(neonatal polycythemia,NP)是早期新生儿常见疾病,发生率约1%~5%[1],国内汤泽中等[2]研究认为NP是导致儿童脑损伤因为之一.近年研究发现,重度窒息新生儿全
尿路感染(urinary tract infection,UTI)是指病原微生物入侵泌尿系统,并在尿中繁殖、侵入泌尿道黏膜或组织所引起的炎症反应.按病原体侵入的部位不同,分为肾盂肾炎、膀胱炎和
极低出生体重儿(very low birth weight infant,VLBWI)由于胎龄小,其吸吮能力差,吞咽功能不协调[1],胃肠道分泌、消化吸收、动力、免疫功能均极不成熟,极易发生喂养不耐受.
患儿女,46 h,因生后发现全身瘀斑46 h入院.系第2胎第1产,孕42周顺产出生,无窒息缺氧史,生后即发现全身皮肤有大小不等的瘀斑.父母非近亲结婚,母孕5~7月时全身皮肤曾出现皮疹,