Closing the lesson is an extremely important part in the process of classroom teaching. In this session, teachers should not only sort out, summarize and deepen their knowledge or teaching contents, but also make a scientific summary of the whole classroom teaching situation. Sometimes they should establish some connection with the later teaching and make proper communication . In addition, from the perspective of modern psychology, when the classroom teaching comes to an end, it is time for the students to learn most effectively. At this time, most need to involve effective incentives to maintain the continuity of student interest in learning. I am in the usual teaching process summarized the following points: First, the passionate end. Second, the end of the contention style. Third, the end of the extension. Fourth, the story ends. Five, chanting Wu ending. Sixth, the quoted end. Feel the end of class and lesson can be done if echoes, there are beginnings and endings, make whole class seamless, play a role in promoting teaching effectiveness.