An Antimony Oxide pH Electrode for Tissue Culture Medium

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kygl
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A new approach named“caterpillar melt method”was developed to prepare wire type antimony oxide electrode for pH measurement in agar medium for tissue culture.A micro antimony wire was prepared from melt of the metal with the help of a glass capillary and the surface of the wire was oxidized in nitrate melt to obtain an antimony oxide electrode. Characterization results showed that the oxide layer is dense and uniform,with high physical and chemical stability.The electrode has a fast and stable response toward pH change for aqueous solutions.The potential of the antimony electrode has a linear relationship with the pH of the solution (R~2=1.00) with a sensitivity of 54.1mV/pH.The electrode works well and is more stable in agar medium during tissue culture for pH monitoring. A new approach named “caterpillar melt method” was developed to prepare wire type antimony oxide electrode for pH measurement in agar medium for tissue culture. A micro antimony wire was prepared from melt of the metal with the help of a glass capillary and the surface of the wire was oxidized in nitrate melt to obtain an antimony oxide electrode. Characterization results showed that the oxide layer is dense and uniform, with high physical and chemical stability. The electrode has fast and stable response toward pH change for aqueous solutions. potential of the antimony electrode has a linear relationship with the pH of the solution (R ~ 2 = 1.00) with a sensitivity of 54.1 mV / pH.The electrode works well and is more stable in agar medium during tissue culture for pH monitoring.
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