
来源 :机械制造 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanshuyao
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国内老厂在目前不能大量进行技术装备更新的情况下,旧有机床的技术改造和充分利用,是我国现阶段工业化过程中的一个现实问题。我国原有企业很多旧的设备,在目前的生产水平看来,的确是落后的;但如经过一些技术改造后,效率可以有很大的提高,这从苏联和国内某些企业的改装工作中可以得到证明。特别是在竞中央提出增产节约勤俭建国的方针后,对旧机床的改造更有重新认识与正确对待的必要。本文讨论了有关机床改装的必要性与一些重要问题。文中提出有关机床的改装设计,在工厂里应由设备管理部门负责呢?还是由工艺部门负责呢?是一个值得讨论的问题。 In the current situation where the old factory cannot update a large number of technical equipments, the technical transformation and full utilization of the old machine tools is a practical issue in the industrialization process in China at this stage. Many old equipment of our country’s original enterprises are indeed backward in terms of current production levels; however, after some technological transformation, the efficiency can be greatly improved. This is reflected in the refitting work of some enterprises in the Soviet Union and in the country. Can be proved. In particular, after competing for the Central Government’s policy of increasing production, saving diligence, and building a nation, it is necessary to rethink and correct the transformation of old machine tools. This article discusses the need for machine tool modification and some important issues. In the article, the modification design of the machine tool is proposed. Is it the responsibility of the equipment management department in the factory or is it handled by the technical department? This is a question worthy of discussion.
电鍍車間(工部、工段)在現代化机器制造厂中的位置应符合下列要求: (1) 符合工厂各生产車間产品的主要生产流水綫; (2) 最大限度地縮短产品的生产周期,其中包括最大限度地縮
一、序言作为电力变压器和并联电抗器的日本标准,有电气学会电气规格调查会标准 JEC-120(1952)《感应电器》。因为这一标准已经发行10年多了,所以目前已在电气规格调查会感
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