
来源 :对外经贸实务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihao99520
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1994年是我国外贸、外汇体制实行重大改革的一年,外贸、外汇体制取得了世人瞩目的成就。在这种大好形势下,是不是就可以高枕无忧了呢?带着这个问题,我们走访了湘潭市有进出口权的12家地方外贸公司,这12家外贸公司1994年创汇2513万美元,比上年同期增长43.02%。但考察其经济效益,有经营利润的7家,盈利280.64万元,亏损的5家,亏损389.72万元,亏损面达41.6%,且1993年累计亏损挂帐890万元,这种局面不适应对外贸易的发展,长此下去后劲不足,将严重影响出口创汇增长速度。 一、地方外贸公司亏损的原因分析 1、夹缝中生存 当前,外贸公司面临着国内通胀和人民币汇率上升的双重压力,由于国内市场通货膨胀,各种商品价格趋升,如湖南1994年物价上涨25%,而人民币汇 In 1994, China’s foreign trade and foreign exchange system implemented major reforms. Foreign trade and foreign exchange systems have achieved remarkable achievements. In this wonderful situation, is it possible to sit back and relax? With this problem in mind, we visited 12 local foreign trade companies with import and export rights in Xiangtan City. The 12 foreign trade companies earned foreign exchange earnings of US$25.13 million in 1994. The year-on-year increase was 43.02%. However, inspecting its economic benefits, there were 7 operating profits, a profit of 2,806,400 yuan, 5 losses, a loss of 3,897,200 yuan, a loss of 41.6%, and a cumulative deficit of 8.9 million in 1993. This situation is not suitable. The development of foreign trade, and the lack of long-term development momentum, will seriously affect the growth rate of export earnings. I. Analysis of the reasons for the loss of local foreign trade companies 1. Current survival in the cracks, foreign trade companies are facing the dual pressures of domestic inflation and the rise of the RMB exchange rate. Due to inflation in the domestic market, prices of various commodities tend to rise, as in Hunan, prices rose in 1994. 25 %, while the RMB exchange
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我司系一海外注册公司。1993年7月我司与国内一家企业合作与德国的Mannesmann Demag公司签订了一份购买SKW75 VMR型皮尔格铜管轧机(Cold Pilger Tube Rolling Mill of Type
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