江苏站 交通运输现代化建设的“江苏样本”

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建设“一带一路”有利于推动江苏与丝绸之路沿线国家和地区在更宽领域、更高层次上开展交流合作,有利于充分释放东陇海经济带发展潜能,也有利于进一步放大沿海开发的综合效应。——江苏省省长李学勇一子落期待满盘活中国经济的发展,从沿海地区向西部内陆不断推进,不断开拓创新并寻求着突破。“一带一路”建设为处于交汇点的江苏创造了全面深化改革和持续发展的前提条件,在区域合作新格局中寻找未来发展的着力点和突破口,“一子落期待满盘活”。“推进‘一带一路’建设,是构筑国家全方位开放新格局的战略决策, Construction ”Belt and Road“ is conducive to promoting exchanges and cooperation between Jiangsu and the countries and regions along the Silk Road in a wider area and at a higher level, which will be conducive to fully releasing the development potential of the economic belt in the East Longhai Sea and will also be conducive to further enlargement of coastal areas The combined effect of development. - Governor Li Xueyong of Jiangsu Province, looking forward to making full preparations for the development of China’s economy, continuously advances from the coastal areas to the western part of China, continuously blazes new trails and seeks breakthroughs. ”The Belt and Road Initiative “ has laid the preconditions for deepening the reform and sustainable development in an all-round way in Jiangsu at the crossroads, looking for the focus and breakthrough for future development in the new pattern of regional cooperation, ” . “Promoting the development of the” Belt and Road "is a strategic decision to build a new pattern of opening up all over the country.
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Tiziano Terzani1938年生于佛罗伦萨,年轻时为去中国,赴纽约哥伦比亚大学攻读汉学。1972至97年任德国《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)驻亚洲特派员,长驻东南亚及中国、日本、印度
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此前,在日本大贩举行的世界博览会上,参加展览的七十多个国家大多在馆内或馆旁附设了餐厅,可谓集世界烹饪的精华于一堂.参 Previously, at the World Expo held by Japanes
从前,一个小孩坐在路边的一块大圆木上面玩耍,这时,另外一个小孩走过来,在他面前停下来跟他说话。“你这是在干什么?”第二个小孩问。 Once upon a time, a child was sitti