
来源 :科学生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoweitao2007
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说起对某位科学家形貌的印象,第一个映入我脑海的,不是正襟危坐的祖冲之半身像,就是那幅爱因斯坦著名的吐舌照。当代科学家?说实话,即使他们和我住在同一座城市,我也认不出几个来。不过自从2005年起,在上海这个聚集了大量科学家和艺术家的经济文化中心,沪上艺术家开始走近两院院士,用人文的视角拿起画笔,在画布上留下对身边科学家熠熠神采的永久记忆。 Speaking of the appearance of a scientist on the image of the first one that came to my mind, is not sitting Zu Chong bust, is the famous Einstein’s tongue photo. To be honest, modern scientists, even though they live in the same city with me, I do not recognize a few. However, since 2005, in Shanghai, an economic and cultural center that has gathered a large number of scientists and artists, artists in Shanghai began to approach academicians of the two chambers, picked up brushes from a humanistic perspective, and left permanent marks on the canvas for scientists who shined around. memory.
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