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深圳一家港资企业的老板薛林谈到现在的出口生意的问题就很无奈,“我们联系客户,报价还价,确定交货期和付款条件等,然后签合同,收汇,生产,安排装运,出提单,客人付款,连生产时间在内,一共大约4个月,可是这期间人民币升值让我们一单生意亏了4%,以后价格怎么算?”薛林的企业主要生产PSP及3G手机终端等终端娱乐产品,产品全部出口海外。虽然深圳一直都是高科技产品代工的理想基地,但是现在美元持续贬值,而人工成本上涨,如果继续维持代工订单就拿不到应有的利润。在外人眼里,薛 Shenzhen, a Hong Kong-owned business owner Xue Lin talked about the current export business is very helpless, “We contact the customer, the offer price, determine the delivery and payment terms, and then sign the contract, exchange earnings, production and arrangements Shipping, bills of lading, guests payment, even the production time, including a total of about 4 months, but the renminbi appreciation during this period so that we a single loss of 4%, after the price how to count? ”Xue Lin enterprises mainly produce PSP and 3G mobile terminal terminal entertainment products, all products are exported overseas. Although Shenzhen has always been an ideal base for hi-tech OEMs, the dollar has continued to devalue now, while labor costs have risen. If the OEM orders continue, it will not receive the profits it deserves. In the eyes of outsiders, Xue
The spatial growth of turbulent wind waves is investigated theoretically andexperimentally. Introduction of wave induced turbulent Reynolds stress, in particu-
大家都爱喝茶,可沏壶茶得等半天,要不恼人的茶叶末就荡在水面上,茶味也寡淡,有了隐茶杯,各种问题迎刃而解。 Everyone loves drinking tea and can wait for a long while t
汇聚了《中国学校体育》网络教研平台53期的教学难点、热点、焦点问题的“草根争鸣”研討成果精华《中小学体育教学疑难问题会诊》一书,已经由人民教育出版社正式出版。  该书分为教学设计、教学方法、教学组织、教学管理、教学评价、群体活动、教师发展共7个版块,是参与《中国学校体育》“草根争鸣”研讨的全国各地中小学体育教研员、特级教师、各级名师的智慧结晶。文稿主题来自一线教学实践,成果汇聚了8000余人次的研
The authors obtained the magnetostratigraphic division of Quaternary from the palaeomagnetic records of 7 cores taken from the northern plain of Jiangsu Provin
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今年以来,延安市各级物价部门针对价格形势发生的明显变化,先后投入价格调节调基金1889万元,扶持生产、保障供应、调控价格、安定低收入群体生活,收到了良好的效果。 Since
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Hu (1979) proposed a two-dimensional, unsteady . homogeneous coastal upwelling model with finite constant depth . Lu and Zhao (1985) extended Hu’s model by sp
Trachidermus fasciatus is a species of catadromous fish in China. In order to elucidate the phenomenon of their seaward propagation, comparative studies of kid