The Current Status of World Protection for Mangrove Forest

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lieren001
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Mangrove forests occur extensively in the tropic areas rich in wildlife and other non forestry resources and provide a wide array of raw materials for livelihood and production processes and have been a major source of income generation and subsistence for the local people. Exploitation of timber, fuel wood, poles, industrial raw material, and many other non wood products from the mangrove forests give rise to large scale economic activity and income generation. At present, mangrove forests are facing great peril. Reckless exploitation and swampland reclamation result in their gradual degradation. This article deals with the worlds mangrove forest resources and their benefit to people; describes the current status, points out the main causes of the destruction of these forests, presents proposals for protecting mangrove forests, and discusses international cooperation in protecting the world’s mangrove forests. Mangrove Mountains occur extensively in the tropic areas rich in wildlife and other non-forestry resources and provide a wide array of raw materials for livelihood and production processes and have been a major source of income generation and subsistence for the local people. wood, poles, industrial raw material, and many other non wood products from the mangrove forests give rise to large scale economic activity and income generation. At present, mangrove forests are facing great peril. Reckless exploitation and swampland reclamation result in their gradual degradation. This article deals with the world Âs mangrove forest resources and their benefit to people; describes the current status, points out the main causes of the destruction of these forests, presents proposals for protecting mangrove forests, and discusses international cooperation in protecting the world’s mangrove forests.
自古以来,婚姻与家庭对于人成长的重要意义备受重视,所以人们常说,择良婚配方有积善之家,才有事业顺遂、家业兴旺。古今论政,也莫不述及此事,与之有关的官箴、家训、家规等非常之多。  党员领导干部家风问题,明确写进《中国共产党纪律处分条例》,意味不同寻常。这是从全面从严治党实践中得出的经验教训,是党的制度建设一大创新,也是推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的切实之举。  有人问,家事属于个人私事,要不要纳入党
9月22日这天的大风蓝色预警也阻挡不了退休的老张要给里奥寻到一个家的决心。里奥是只三岁的猫,是老张在自家院区捡回来的流浪猫。老张还记得刚发现它的时候,小猫嘴里一直流着口水,老张就带它去看了医生,病好后这只猫就一直跟着他。小猫黏人,但家里的猫实在太多,老张通过公众号知道有个“北京领养日”的平台,想着参加他们的活动为里奥找到一个靠谱的领养人。  “北京领养日”的确是猫狗界人尽皆知的好平台。这个常年活跃