
来源 :中国中西医结合急救杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alex_juve
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目的:研究大黄对烫伤后大鼠肠粘膜上皮细胞线粒体呼吸链的影响。方法:采用大鼠背部25% Ⅲ度烫伤模型,分离小肠粘膜上皮细胞内线粒体,监测细胞色素aa3 、b、c和c1 的水平,并观察大黄在其中的影响。结果:烫伤后2 小时肠粘膜上皮细胞线粒体细胞色素aa3、b 和c1 较为稳定,而在伤后6小时出现明显丢失,与烫伤组0.5 和2 小时及对照组比较,P均< 0.05,而细胞色素c在烫伤后早期即有明显丢失,于伤后6 小时最为严重,与对照组比较P< 0.05;大黄治疗后细胞色素aa3、b、c和c1 丢失显著减少,与烫伤组比较P均< 0.05。结论:烫伤能导致肠粘膜上皮细胞线粒体呼吸链明显受损,而大黄对其有很好的保护作用。 Objective: To study the effect of rhubarb on the mitochondrial respiratory chain of intestinal mucosal epithelium in burned rats. METHODS: Using a 25% III degree scald model on the rat’s back, the mitochondria in the intestinal mucosal epithelial cells were isolated and the levels of cytochrome aa3, b, c, and c1 were monitored, and the effects of rhubarb on them were observed. RESULTS: The mitochondrial cytochrome aa3, b, and c1 of the intestinal mucosal epithelium cells were stable at 2 hours after scald, and they were significantly lost at 6 hours after injury. Compared with the scald group at 0.5 and 2 hours and the control group, P<0. 05, while cytochrome c was significantly lost early in the scald, most severe at 6 hours after injury, compared with the control group P<0.05; cytochrome aa3, b, c, and c1 loss after rhubarb treatment was significantly reduced, and The burn group compared P<0.05. Conclusion: Scald can lead to significant impairment of the mitochondrial respiratory chain of intestinal epithelial cells, while rhubarb has a good protective effect.
患者 ,男 ,6 5岁。主诉因饭后呃逆 ,吐粘液 2个月 ,吞咽困难 1个月入院。临床检查 :上消化道造影及 CT扫描示食管中段巨大肿瘤。当地曾胃镜活检示低分化腺癌。于 1998年 4月
乳腺分叶状肿瘤(Phyllodes Tumor, PT)是一种由乳腺纤维结缔组织和上皮组成的纤维上皮性肿瘤.临床上较少见,约占乳腺肿瘤的0.3%~1%.因本病生物学行为难以预测,组织学分类多有
新近发现的 p1 6基因与多种肿瘤的形成和发生有关。而且能直接作用于细胞周期并抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。p1 6基因所表达的 p1 6蛋白是迄今为止人类所发现的第一个能抑制肿瘤发生