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郑若杜,生于湖南省长沙市的一个旧官吏家庭.父亲在北平旧政权时期工作过.1949年入伍,因为他思想进步,很快被党组织吸收为中共党员.郑若杜虽然在大学就读过,但他毫无书生气,他担任606团6连指导员时整天和战士们滚在一起.从表面看,如果不知道他底细的人准说他是一个工农子弟;他担任605团宣传股长时,经常深入连队调查研究,撰写先进典型事迹.因为经常通宵达旦的工作,感动的哨兵都劝他休息,但他父亲的那段历史长期困扰着他.在部队援越开拔的前夜,他带着厚厚的澄清书找到我家一直谈到深夜.我对他说:你的历史问题组织上早已查清了,你父亲未做过任何对不起人民的事, Zheng Ruoduo, was born in Changsha, Hunan Province, an old official family .Father during the old regime in Peiping worked during the enlistment in 1949, because of his ideological progress, soon absorbed by the party organization as a member of the Communist Party. He had studied, but he had no book angry, he and the soldiers fought all day together as a group of six hundred sixty-six regiment .On the surface, if you do not know his subtle person should say he is a worker and peasant brother; he served 605 group propaganda When the chief, often in-depth investigation into the company, writing advanced typical deeds because of work all night long, moving sentinels have advised him to rest, but his father’s history has long plagued him.On the eve of the unit aid Vietnam, He came to my house with a thick clarification book and talked late into the night, and I said to him: Your organization has long been aware of the historical issues that your father has not done anything to upset the people,
  Malignant tumor is a common and multiple disease severely threatening humans lives.Searching for new antitumor drugs with high effects and selectivity becom
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  The marine natural product Psammaplin A(PSA),a brominated tyrosine derivative,was reported to inhibit in vitro HDACs(IC50=4.2nM) and DNMTs (IC50=18.6nM).Kee
1.你每天检查几次钱包?A.经常检查,因为你想控制开支;B.当你付款时才检查;C.从不检查。你常常不知道口袋里还有多少钱。 1. Do you check the wallet several times a day?
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