
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cooltcp
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一、目的:黄岩柑桔本地早品种的部分壮年树,存在着开花不结果,或着果率非常低的现象。其他栽培品种中如早桔,温州蜜柑等,要想在加强栽培管理的基础上进一步提高产量,亦应积极地从减少落果,增加着果率的措施上着手研究。1954年曾于本地早生理落果期同,喷射2,4—D的20P.P.M溶液,能增加着果率达10—20%,1958年根据柑桔开花后植物体内有机氮磷的消耗,企图从增加生长素种类,加大生长素溶液浓度和根外喷射速效氮磷肥等办法,探求防止或减少柑桔的生理落果。 First, the purpose: Huangyan Citrus local early varieties of part of the prime of life, there is no fruit flowering, or the fruit rate is very low phenomenon. In other cultivars, such as as early as oranges and mandarins of Wenzhou, if we want to further increase the output on the basis of intensified cultivation and management, we should also start with measures to reduce fruit drop and increase the fruit rate. In 1954, at the same time, the rate of fruiting was increased by 10-20% with the spraying of 2,4-D 20P.PM solution. In 1958, according to the consumption of organic nitrogen and phosphorus in plants after the flowering of citrus, From the increase of the types of auxin, increase the concentration of auxin solution and quick-release nitrogen and phosphorus spray and other methods to explore to prevent or reduce the physiological decline of citrus fruit.
“在我的心中,仿佛就像一个哥哥,偷偷地给妹妹准备礼物。但是,有一天,当我告诉她并将礼物送给妹妹时,妹妹却勃然大怒,给了我一记耳光,对吗?” “In my heart, it seems lik
这次波恩园艺展览会,除我国外,来自日本的盆栽(盆景)也参加了展出.日本盆景也分别得到1枚大奖,4枚金牌和2枚银牌. 日本盆景全为树桩盆景.主要由松柏类和枫树等植物制成.大部
  Pancreatic cancer is a highly malignant disease, whose 5-year survival rate is less than 5%mainly due to the lack of an early diagnosis method and effective
王宝强:青年影视演员,2008春晚黑马。1984年4月29日出生于河北南和,6岁时开始习武,8岁至14岁在嵩山少林寺做俗家弟子,之后加入“北漂”大军。主要作品有:电影《盲井》、《天下无贼》、《集结号》,电视剧《暗算》、《殷商传奇》、《士兵突击》、《开心妙手》。      从观看《少林寺》到拜师少林寺    8岁,还属于懵懂的无忧无虑的年纪,但对于河北南和县大会塔村世代务农的王宝强来说,却已开始知道
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