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纪念长征胜利70周年之际,驻守在闽西革命老区的南空某部,充分利用驻地红色教育资源,掀起一股“重走红色之旅,弘扬长征精神”的热潮。随行的政治处主任简国正告诉记者,该部是空军战斗精神培育基地、多机种保障基地和数字化场站建设基地,近年来,为了履行好上级赋予的神圣使命,他们充分利用各种教育资源,坚持用形式多样的我军历史使命教育和战斗精神教育鼓舞部队士气、激励官兵斗志,在部队上下叫响了“牢记使命,艰苦创业,甘于奉献,勇争第一”的口号,优质场次率连年达到100%。离开中国共产党苏维埃区域中央局旧址,继续向庭院深处走去,苍松翠柏环绕的“红军广场”就在眼前。首先映入眼帘的,是一座高约13米、形似炮弹、塔身嵌满小古块的“红军烈士纪念塔”。它不仅是一座万古长青的建筑,更是一段鲜血凝结的历史。1933年8月,为纪念在历次革命战争中牺牲的红军指战员,第二次全国苏维埃代表大会准备委员会筹建此塔。它的整个外形像一颗炮弹,寓意“枪杆子里出政权”;塔身下面从上到下嵌镶了“红军烈士纪念塔”七个黑体大字;塔身嵌有无数个小石块,象征着无数个红军指战员为了革命的理想而献出了宝贵的生命;塔座为五角星体,全由红条石雕成,四周分别镶着毛泽东、朱德、周恩来等领导人的题词和建塔标志共十块碑刻。 In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March, a unit stationed in the southern part of the revolutionary old district in western Fujian Province has made full use of the red educational resources in the station and set off an upsurge of “red-marking the red journey and promoting the spirit of the Long March.” Accompanying the political department director Jane is told reporters that the ministry is the Air Force combat spirit cultivation base, multi-aircraft support base and digital site construction base, in recent years, in order to fulfill the sacred mission assigned by superiors, they make full use of various educational resources Insisted on using various forms of our army’s history mission education and fighting spirit education to inspire the morale of the troops and encourage officers and men to fight their morale. The slogan “keeping a record in mission, arduous pioneering, dedication and courageous struggle” Year after year up to 100%. Leave the former site of the Central Bureau of the Soviet Communist Party of China and continue to the depths of the courtyard. The “Red Army Plaza” surrounded by pines and cypresses is at hand. The first thing that catches your eye is a “Red Army Martyr Memorial Tower,” about 13 meters high, shaped like a shell and covered with a small piece of tower. It is not only an eternal building, but also a history of blood coagulation. In August 1933, in commemoration of the Red Army soldiers and officers who died during the revolutionary wars, the Second National Soviet Congress prepared the committee to prepare for the construction of the tower. Its whole appearance is like a shell, meaning “gun power out of the regime”; under the tower from top to bottom inlaid “Red Army Martyrs Memorial Tower” seven black characters; tower body with numerous small stones, a symbol of Countless Red Army commanders and soldiers sacrificed their precious lives for the revolutionary ideal. The tower is a pentagram, all made of red stone and surrounded by inscriptions by Mao Zedong, Zhu De and Zhou Enlai and the symbol of building tower Block inscriptions.
那是1983年,我参军到了驻津某部的步兵团,连队有个“军械员兼文书”的岗位,专门管理全连武器装备和连队文件资料,很吸引人。我当然也觉得自己挺适合这个岗位的。说来也巧,当时我并不知道,自己偷偷“瞄”上军械员兼文书岗位的同时,连队领导也“瞄”上了我。……  下连不久的一天,连队副指导员问我“听二班长说你是一名团员?”我回答“是”。他说:“那好,你帮我写个抓好团支部工作的措施怎样?”“是。”我紧张地接下