
来源 :中国眼镜科技杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luzhengnan801106
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引子某日,记者上班路遇塞车,偶然向窗外浏览,发现在我的视线范围内有一家眼镜小店。招牌上打着:xx眼镜店。下面一排小字写着:专业补牙、镶牙,清洗牙齿。我有些不解,使劲揉了揉眼睛,发现千真万确是这样写的。于是我决定下班后去打探一番。下班后记者来到这家位于旧城区的街边小店,这家眼镜店的店堂很小,仅仅只有4、5截柜台,柜台内镜架的数量也不算多,简陋的补牙器械冷冰冰地放在店堂的一角有些打眼,整个店堂内只有一名营业员。我装作挑选镜架,与营业员闲聊起来。记者:你这儿明明是眼镜店为什幺还打着牙医的旗号呢?(记者指了指补牙用的器械) 营业员:哦?你说那个呀,我们老板就是从给人补牙起家的。记者:补牙赚钱完成资本的原始积累,然后开了这家眼镜店? 营业员:是呀,现在我们老板都还保留着这项手艺呢? 记者:是为配眼镜的人免费修补牙齿吗? 营业员:(大笑)当然不是,业务各是各的,两项业务在本店都有的。这也算是特色服务吧! 这就是特色服务,我不禁哑然失笑……但有一点值得肯定的,那就是连一家小店都意识到特色服务是竞争中制胜的筹码。 On the other hand, the journalist went to the traffic jam hourly and went to the window occasionally and found that there was an optical shop in my sight. On the signboard: xx optical shop. The following row of small print reads: Professional fillings, dentures, teeth cleaning. I am a little puzzled, rubbed his eyes hard and found it really is written like this. So I decided to go after get off work to inquire about it. After get off work this reporter came to this street located in the old town shop, the optical shop is very small, only 4,5 cut counter, counter the number of frames is not too much, simple dental equipment cold Some holes in the corner of the store, there is only one salesperson throughout the store. I pretended to pick the frames, chatting with the salesperson. Reporter: You obviously here is the reason why the optical shop is also the name of the dentist? (Reporter refers to dental instruments) Salesperson: Oh? You say that ah, our boss is from the beginning to fill the teeth. Reporter: fill the teeth to make money to complete the original accumulation of capital, and then opened the optical shop? Salesperson: Yes, and now our boss still retains the craft? Reporter: glasses for people with free repair teeth? Salesperson: (Laughs) Of course not, the business is different, the two businesses have in the shop. This is also a special service! This is a special service, I can not help but dumbfounding ... but one thing is worth to be sure, that is, even a small shop are aware of the characteristics of service is the winning streak in the competition.