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  【试题重现】 I. 句子填空(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分)
  1. Do you ___ bags?
  2. ___ is ___ for my brother.
  3. What day is it on ___ 25th?
  4. ___ ___ the black T-shirt over there?
  5. The clothes in this shop are ___ ___ because of COVID-19.
  【聽力原文】 1. Do you sell bags?
  2. Maths is difficult for my brother.
  3. What day is it on December 25th?
  4. What about the black T-shirt over there?
  5. The clothes in this shop are on sale because of COVID-19.
  【参考答案】 1.sell 2. Maths; difficult 3. December 4. What about 5. on sale
  【试题解析】 句子填空题型难度较低,题目中已知信息的关键词在录音中以原形形式出现。这种情况下考生能在关键词念完之后直接听出正确答案。这种考查形式是句子填空题中最简单也最常见的一种形式,听录音时,考生应着重听录音中关键词出现的地方,找出空格处要填入的答案。
  【试题重现】 II. 对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分)
  (A) 请听下面五组小对话,并根据你所听到的对话内容,选择相应的图片。每组对话读两遍。
  6. _____7. _____8. _____9. _____10. ___
  (B) 请听下面两段长对话,并根据对话内容完成句子。每段对话读两遍。每空一词。
  13. Lily cant find her ___ ___.
  14. Lilys ___ jacket is in ___ room.
  15. At last, Amy finds it ___ ___ ___.
  6. W: Whats the time?
  M: Its eight oclock.
  7. W: Whos your English teacher?
  M: Mr Green. His classes are always interesting.
  8. W: Childrens Day is coming.
  M: Thats great! Well go out and have fun.
  9. W: Excuse me. How much is the blue jacket in Size M?
  M: 100 yuan.
  10. W: Mike, do you like talking on the phone?
  M: Yes, I like making phone calls with my friends after school.
  W1: Hello, Amy?
  W2: Hi, Lily.
  W1: I cant find my tape player. Maybe its at your place. Can you help me find it, please?
  W2: OK ... Well, it isnt on my desk ...
  W1: What about the sofa? I usually sit there.
  W2: No, its not there. And it isnt under the bed. Maybe its in your red jacket.
  W1: My red jacket? Is it there?
  W2: Yes!
  W1: Look in my pocket then.
  W2: OK. No, it isnt in your pocket. Oh, I see. Its under the book.
  W1: Thank you, Amy.
  W2: Youre welcome.
  【参考答案】 (A) 6—10 FCEAD
  (B) 13. tape player  14. red; Amys 15. under the book
  【试题解析】 对话理解题型以短对话和长对话两种形式出现,取材一般为考生比较熟悉,与考生学习、生活或与工作、旅游等密切相关的常见话题。答题时,需掌握以下四个关键步骤:(1)先看题目及选项,预测内容及问题;(2)抓住对话开头部分以及对话的提问方的问题,理解对话内容核心;(3)扼要记录,以助辨认事实;(4)抓住对话结尾部分,弄清对话结果。
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英文中共有5個元音字母——a, e, i, o, u,那么这5个元音字母在单词的拼读中都是遵循哪些规律呢?请看下表:
A  There was once a farmer who had a fine olive orchard (橄欖园). He was very __1__, and the farm always prospered (繁荣) under his __2__. But he knew that his three sons __3__the farm work, and were __4__
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【基本情况介绍】广告是一种公告性的应用文。广告的类型极其广泛,如海报、启事等,内容涉及到买卖、求职、招聘等等。  【广告标题常用词汇】  在广告的标题中,常用的词汇有:Lost, Found;用于海报中常用的词汇有:Football Match, Film News, Poster (海报), Good News;用于招聘的常用的词汇有:Help Wanted, Teacher Wanted, S
always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom和never都是用来表示时间的频度副词,但它们所表示的动作频度不同。  1. always是频度最高的词,表示动作的重复,状态的继续,中间没有间断。意为“总是、一直”,其反义词是never。当它与现在进行时连用时,常译作“老是,总是”,带有赞扬、厌烦、不满等感情色彩。如:  The sun always rises
(一)  __一个阳光明媚的周末,Charlie和妈妈正在家里的花园中休息,突然,一只大象出现了!这是怎么回事?接下来又发生了什么呢?请仔细观察下列图片,描述一下发生在Charlie身上的故事吧!  (二)  __Bill是一名热爱运动的阳光男孩,他所在的学校正在举办森林赛跑,他很开心地去参加了比赛。比赛的过程如何?他最后取得了怎样的成绩?他又有什么样的思绪呢?请认真观察所给图片,描述一下Bill